In 1997 Mr Hashimoto was browbeaten into accepting a policy that will see the post office turned into a public company in 2003.
ECONOMIST: Japanese finance
By the 1980s the Democrats were ossified: bereft of ideas, controlled by out-of-touch barons in Congress, and browbeaten by a popular Republican president.
ECONOMIST: Campaigning in Clinton country
Companies drilling in the Gulf of Mexico are being browbeaten into paying royalties to Washington that weren't part of their original agreements with the feds when the leases were bought in the 1990s.
FORBES: Magazine Article
Gold has denuded the play of any semblance of Englishness and class, an issue that should be central to the argument between the bullying, blue-collar Jimmy Porter (Matthew Rhys) and his browbeaten middle-class wife, Alison (Sarah Goldberg).
NEWYORKER: A Talent to Abuse
Apple has always been very aggressive on the handset subsidies that it expects airtime providers to offer: the gossip is that China Mobile seems to think Apple needs it more than it needs Apple and thus is not willing to be browbeaten over those handset subsidies.
FORBES: Apple's Tim Cook Has Talks With China Mobile: Little Expected As A Result