• He joins Don Nelson, Lenny Wilkens, Pat Riley, Phil Jackson, Jerry Sloan, Larry Brown and George Karl in the exclusive club.

    NPR: Adelman Gets 1,000th W In Wolves' 107-101 Win

  • George Brown McLaughlin lately audio visual technician, University of Aberdeen (Aberdeen) - For services to Students and Education.

    BBC: Famous and not so famous honoured

  • The papers also show that there were concerns that ex-Cabinet minister George Brown might be invited to functions during US President Richard Nixon's visit to Britain in 1969.

    BBC: Wilson cut Queen's message

  • By Harold Wilson's time in the 60s, even despite the Vietnam War, friends of the special relationship were fortunate: Wilson's Foreign Secretaries for most of his tenure were Labour conservatives George Brown and Michael Stewart, whose pro-American sympathies were accepted by an emollient "beer and sandwiches" Premier anxious to maintain peace in a fractious government.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Waning "Special Relationship?"

  • But restored to 15 men, Quins pulled clear late on with tries from Mike Brown, Gary Botha and George Robson.

    BBC: Bristol 15-28 Harlequins

  • Brown's work with George Benson, Boney James, Patti Austin and the late Luther Vandross, among others, has earned him two Grammys and dozens of number-one hits.

    NPR: Jazz Guitarist Paul Brown and 'The City'

  • Specialist Sabo's widow, Rose Mary Sabo-Brown and his brother, George Sabo, will join the President at the White House to commemorate his example of selfless service and sacrifice.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama to Award Medal of Honor | The White House

  • But while Brown, who coached St George Illawara in his native Australia, has reaffirmed his commitment to Huddersfield, he did not completely close the door on a move back home.

    BBC: Huddersfield coach Nathan Brown denies Cronulla link

  • He will forever be cemented with the likes of George Halas, Paul Brown and Vince Lombardi as the best ever.

    FORBES: Death Of A Hero

  • His Hull counterpart Phil Brown, who saw his captain George Boateng dismissed for a second yellow card later in the game, disagreed.

    BBC: Arsene Wenger points to Arsenal desire

  • The strongly nationalistic flavour of Palestinian textbooks is not surprising, says Nathan Brown, a political scientist at George Washington University, when an entity has been born in conflict with another state.

    ECONOMIST: Textbooks round the world

  • They join other thought leaders, including Alan W. Brown, John Seely Brown, Rod Collins, Bill George, Ranjay Gulati, John Hagel, Gary Hamel, Umair Haque, Vlatka Hlupic, Roger Martin, Lisa Earle McLeod, Vineet Nayar, Franz Roeoesli, Fred Reichheld and Jeff Sutherland.

    FORBES: The New Management Paradigm & John Mackey's Whole Foods

  • One rather well-made advertisement lists him with Tony Blair, George W Bush and Gordon Brown as members of the "failures club".

    BBC: Mugabe's remarkable comeback

  • "Now we have unearthed the latest critic of the government's ill-thought-out business tax increases - Gordon Brown himself, " said shadow chancellor George Osborne.


  • Mr Brown also spoke to the current US president, George Bush, as well as Australian PM Kevin Rudd earlier.

    BBC: PM congratulates Obama by phone

  • The theory of Lagrangian coherent structures was started about ten years ago by George Haller, who was then at Brown University, in Rhode Island.

    ECONOMIST: Lagrangian coherent structures

  • And of course, George Bush had complete confidence in Mike Brown, the FEMA chief at the time of Hurricane Katrina, before Brown was out of a job.

    CNN: Commentary: Is Geithner a liability for Obama?

  • Only towards the end of the century did the English landscape garden, as developed by Brown, come into fashion there, with both George Washington at Mount Vernon and Thomas Jefferson at Monticello devising distinctive versions of the genre.

    ECONOMIST: The curious history of herbaceous borders

  • The Newsnight investigation was brought to the attention of the-then US President George W Bush and UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown also promised to take action.

    BBC: UK stops 'vulture funds' picking on poor

  • Carnegie Endowment for International Peace for a program to be moderated by Nathan Brown , Professor of Political Science and International Affairs at George Washington University and a senior associate in the Middle East Program at Carnegie.


  • Lemon has reported and anchored on-the-scene for CNN from many breaking news stories, including the shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO (2014), the George Zimmerman trial (2013), the Boston marathon bombing (2013), the Philadelphia building collapse (2013), the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting (2012), the Colorado Theater Shooting (2012), the death of Whitney Houston, the Inaugural of the 44th President in Washington, D.

    CNN: About

  • Three years ago the shadow chancellor, George Osborne, appeared to suggest Prime Minister Gordon Brown could be "faintly autistic".

    BBC: Has autism become a term of abuse?

  • The build-up to the game has been partly overshadowed by the news that full-back Hodgson will be leaving the club at the end of the season for Warrington and speculation remains over the future of coach Nathan Brown, but his playing namesake hopes that the former St George Illawarra coach will remain at the Galpharm Stadium.

    BBC: Brown bids for Giant strides

  • Look at Zollars of Neoforma and George Conrades at Akamai, Carleton Fiorina of Hewlett-Packard or Gregory Brown at Micromuse, Richard Braddock at Priceline.com or Robert Howe at Scient.

    FORBES: The Age Of The $100 Million CEO

  • Where Mr Brown's glowering personality has obscured the talents in his cabinet, Mr Cameron lets George Osborne (the shadow chancellor), Michael Gove (his education spokesman) and others shine.

    ECONOMIST: Bagehot

  • Former Bolton assistant manager Brown took charge at Pride Park in June 2005, agreeing a three-year deal as George Burley's replacement.

    BBC: Derby were dumped out of the FA Cup by League One Colchester

  • But the wise money would be on a return to St George-Illawarra, an NRL club that has been struggling under young coach Nathan Brown.

    BBC: SPORT | Rugby League | Super League | St Helens | Controversial Millward is hot property

  • "We're planning for the worst, " Brown said in her office with a view of the Rampart Range, a portrait of President George W. Bush on the shelf behind her.

    NPR: US Economy Hamstrung By Washington's Brinksmanship

  • Senators Bill Nelson, George LeMieux, representatives who are here today -- we got Jeff Miller and Corrine Brown and Ted Deutch.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to Military Personnel in Pensacola, FL | The White House

  • Tom Fletcher, Gordon Brown's former foreign policy adviser, was also appointed a Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George.

    BBC: Tory veteran Peter Bottomley awarded knighthood

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