Those catching a glimpse of the native brown bear or grey wolf may find themselves wishing for a return of the current.
Mrs Kaur, who is originally from Afghanistan, is described as being of Asian appearance, about 5ft 5in tall, of slim build, with brown eyes and grey hair.
She was wearing brown cord trousers, grey slip-on shoes and a green top.
Forget the traditional grey or brown facade you see on most castles.
The clarity of the images was astonishing - laying bare everything from the spindly grey-brown chimneys, rising at crooked angles, to the violent pitch-black jets of superheated water to the ghostly swarms of blind shrimp.
Up against that sort of rhetoric, Mr Brown's version looks rather grey.
With features typical of the Konkani people from southwest India (light brown complexion and often green, grey or blue eyes after centuries of interaction with European traders), Raut "could be from anywhere, " says Bidapa.
She was last seen wearing blue jeans, a grey waist-length coat with brown buttons and black ankle boots.
It has written to the chancellor, Gordon Brown, urging him to remove obstacles to grey imports, and is meeting next week to lobby the consumer-affairs minister, Kim Howells.
It now allows users to explore their personal style through an expanded collection of new colors that take their inspiration from nature: Amber Brown, Garnet Red, Sapphire Black and Titanium Grey.
ENGADGET: Samsung's Galaxy S III crosses 30 million sold (Update: More stats!)
The other man has brown, spiky hair and was wearing a tracksuit which may have been grey, with a body warmer or jacket.
He was last seen wearing a grey hooded top, black or navy tracksuit bottoms with stripes and brown boots.
Of course, such a finding might well be explained by the fact that someone with grey or white hair is more likely to be retired than someone with black, brown, blonde or red hair.