Rows of brown paper shopping bags have index cards affixed to them to indicate their contents.
In your description of that tune, you say that you would pass the black - the brown paper bag test.
The doctor says there is no major damage and gives her some painkillers in a brown paper bag.
Curators from the Gudbrandsdal museum then took the reins, unwrapping the brown paper package to see what was inside.
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Net-a-Porter, an upmarket fashion website, now offers the option of having designer outfits delivered in a brown paper bag.
The best way to do this is to simply go outside with a brown paper bag and start scooping them in.
Actually, he would not have learnt much even if the librarians had been persuaded to slip him the volume in a brown paper bag.
One was wrapped in brown paper and the other in a page taken from a magazine - both were sitting in sheets of bubble wrap.
There is even a correction going on in conspicuous consumption: Net-a-porter, a pricey website, offers to deliver designer outfits to its customers in brown paper bags.
The meal didn't begin auspiciously: bland, almost tasteless Sicilian green olives and bread delivered rather stagily in a brown paper bag, albeit with beautifully creamy butter.
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In an unpublished study earlier this year, young women were asked to stand in front of a sheet of brown paper and sketch outlines of their bodies.
With the remainder of his lunch hour, he eats a sandwich he has brought to work in a brown paper bag, and drinks a bottle of water.
Catherine was particularly considerate of him, bringing in brown paper bags full of apples from her garden and Tupperware containers of mince pies to share with his housemates.
Afterward, we were asked to swipe through a Pinterest-style gallery of food pictures and drag various images into brown paper bags (or the trash) to denote which we'd like to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and for snacks.
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In a 1984 issue of "Amazing Spider-Man, " the webhead ended up putting on the iconic original Fantastic Four costume ... and they got around the problem of his mask by having him wear a brown paper bag on his head.
Colorful beaded necklaces dangle from the branches of brown-paper trees that line the walls, and old-fashioned black metal streetlamps line the hallway.
Sales of recycled (not necessarily brown) household paper products are rising faster than the overall market, says Ali Dibadj, senior analyst at Sanford C.
The breeze picks up, eddying ticket stubs and wrappers and waxed paper and brown bags and plastic straws and whatever else has been left behind.
The research paper from economists Jeff Brown and Amy Finkelstein describes many reasons why so few people buy long-term care coverage.
Back in the Sun , its leader column is devoted to a plea for Tony Blair and the Chancellor, Gordon Brown, to end what the paper perceives as a "war" over who should take the credit for the booming economy.
The paper said that Chancellor Gordon Brown would do well to consult Mirror readers over the pensions crisis.
His California Bowl takes on brown rice and avocado in the form of paper-thin, crispy-does-it "chips" (think papadum) and a creamy-smooth dip.
In Britain, die-hard opponents of the flat tax, such as Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown, were caught censoring portions of an internal Treasury paper on the subject that was obtained under the recently effective Freedom of Information Act.
The PCC said that although the paper had published stories about the relationship between the Ms Brown and Gary Glitter, in both 1987 and 1993, the police did not pursue the allegations.
Paper is natural, plastic artificial, so it might seem that brown bags are better.
Mr. Prime Minister, first of all, would you be prepared to talk to your predecessors, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, to get there agreements to release any documents if they are relevant to the paper search that the Cabinet Secretary will undergo?
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Cameron at the White House | The White House
Livia Cetti, with her charming paper flowers, is something of a powerhouse and has worked for brands like Bobbi Brown, Anthropologie and Kate Spade.