"It's a good idea, " says Bruce Schneier, security guru and chief security officer of British Telecom.
Security technologist Bruce Schneier believes that the body scanning machines are a waste of money.
According to Bruce Schneier, the founder of Counterpane Internet Security, a consultancy, such contests demonstrate nothing about security.
But victory will never be complete, thanks to the asymmetry between cat and mouse, notes Bruce Schneier, a security expert.
Bruce Schneier, an internet-security expert, thinks it is a bit like worrying about spammers stealing a copy of the telephone directory.
ECONOMIST: A large theft of company e-mail lists causes controversy
The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Bruce Schneier.
But, as security expert Bruce Schneier pointed out, there actually is a fire, so maybe shouting about it is not such a bad idea.
But Bruce Schneier, chief technology officer of BT Counterpane, says that the simple element that keeps Storm more elusive than past viruses is its patience.
But when I asked Bruce Schneier, an encryption guru who has written negatively about two-factor authentication in the past, he was surprisingly upbeat about the new feature.
Security technologist Bruce Schneier said he's not aware of data that link security to the relationship between the agency and its customers -- but it's a good question.
Bruce Schneier, a security guru, says that biometrics are unsuitable for use as keys because, unlike passwords or digital signatures, they are not secret, and cannot be changed, destroyed or declared invalid.
Bruce Schneier, a security expert and chief security-technology officer at U.K.-based telecommunications company BT Group PLC, said one shouldn't assume that Zappos and Amazon have the same or similar security structures, despite their corporate relationship.
Still, the shield's effectiveness as a defense in cyber-warfare is far from clear: Bruce Schneier, the founder and chief technology officer of security firm BT Counterpane, argues that no single strategy can stop determined hackers.
The new technique may serve as a wake-up call for mobile carriers, which have long been in denial about the vulnerabilities of GSM security, says Bruce Schneier, encryption guru and chief technology officer of BT Counterpane.
Bruce Schneier, a cyber-security expert and author, worries that readers may steer clear of digital books on sensitive subjects such as health, sexuality and security including his own works out of fear that their reading is being tracked.
The debate, hosted by Intelligences Squared, featured Bruce Schneier, (chief security technology officer with BT) and Marc Rotenberg (executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center) speaking in support of the idea that the threat of cyber war has indeed been exaggerated.