Her brush with death made her decide once and for all: The weight had to go.
That set off a frenetic search through an area marked by dense brush and steep terrain.
But as soon as the droplets brush something solid such as a tree branch, they freeze instantly.
The flames were chewing thick, dry brush that hasn't been burned in about a dozen years.
Our guess is that we are simply painting with a brush that is too broad.
Ms Cobell returned to Washington and, after a brush-off from government lawyers, filed the suit.
For Pinault, the silver brush strokes evoke mountains, and he sees the painting as a meditation.
It took Rovio 51 tries, and a brush with bankruptcy to lay its golden egg.
Looks like a call to Apple I suppose and wait for the brush off!
Some analysts complain the markets are unfairly tarring all New Economy stocks with the same brush.
Your car gets damaged if you brush walls, and periodically has to be serviced for maintenance.
"By no means do I want to paint the industry with the same brush, " she said.
Each eyelet is separated from its neighbours by rows of fine, brush-like hairs called microtrichia.
Video from CNN affiliate WBOC showed smoke rising from brush fires in the unpopulated area.
You might want to brush up on tax rules as well as your poker skills.
Under Sundbloom's brush, Santa Claus assumed his present, adult dimensions, clad in brilliant red and white.
Wake up and brush teeth, boil water, and set up his thermos and tea.
Rahim Kanani: In taking a broad brush, what is the current landscape of this intersection?
They pick up their toys, clean the dishes and brush the family's cat, Katrina.
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Rose Lawson listened for rustling in the brush at the side of the road.
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Other important writing tools include: the steel pen nib, the stylus, the brush, the pen.
Besides, when Jonas asked to meet with AOL Chairman Steve Case, he got the brush-off.
His first brush with interior design came when he studied interior architecture at London Metropolitan University.
That promises to make the uncontacted groups' first brush with civilisation even more surprising.
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Then there's the classic small brush moustache, apparently struggling to survive on the lip.
Besides, when Jonas asked to meet with AOL'sChairman Steve Case, he got the brush-off.
The brush ignited, sending flames through tall, dry grass toward the residences, officials said.
But he still found a way to brush his teeth, one pleasure amid the privation.
As US Weekly headlines, she better brush up on her lullabies for her first child.
It was like painting a stripe with a brush that's only half its width.