He helped to scupper the bipartisan budget-balancing plan of the Bowles-Simpson commission, which would have raised revenue by eliminating tax loopholes.
It is now The Republican Budget- the plan that would end Medicare as we know it while forcing elderly out of nursing homes by converting Medicaid to a block grant program and the plan for America that the GOP will have to run on in 2012.
Hagel also suggested that the Pentagon's five-year budget plan continues to plan for additional F-22 Raptor fighter jets and F-35 Joint Strike Fighters in the region, along with a fourth fast-attack submarine deployed to Guam.
But both Boehner and Gingrich maintained that no stopgap measure would be passed to reopen closed parts of government until there was a balanced-budget plan was completed.
CNN: Budget impasse continues amid mix of pessimism and hope
Republican leaders have threatened to end talks with the White House and write their own balanced-budget plan, but signs of progress last week kept negotiators at the table.
Of particular concern, however, is the virtual elimination of work on space-based missile defenses in the present MDA budget and out-year plan.
That is the equivalent of all of the 10-year savings in Congressman Paul Ryan's budget, passed by the House in April, or in the Bowles-Simpson budget plan.
WSJ: Lawrence B. Lindsey: The Deficit Is Worse Than We Think
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is warning members of Congress they need to come up with a plan - a plan to reign in huge budget deficits - once the recession is over.
House GOP leaders finally passed their long-overdue budget plan, but that does not mean the Republican faithful are any closer to delivering an election-year tax cut to the voters.
Gun control, immigration and the administration's long-delayed budget plan are in the spotlight on Capitol Hill.
The Republican move is designed to force the Democratic-controlled Senate to put forward a long-term budget plan.
He said the U.S. Defense Department has money in the five-year budget plan to meet those goals.
The auction was a first verdict on the new government's just-announced budget plan, which calls for severe spending cuts and tax increases to trim a persistent deficit.
This week House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) proposes a budget plan that would balance the federal books after ten years.
FORBES: Why The Fiscal 'Sequester' Scheme Is Actually Bullish
Their goal is to persuade voters to push Republicans to agree to higher tax revenue as part of any plan to replace the budget cuts with a longer-term deficit-reduction plan.
Then the EU Economics Commissioner Olli Rehn said he was ready to extend by a year the deadline for Spain to reduce its deficit to 3% - if Madrid came up with a convincing plan for its budget for 2013-2014.
"What these statistics underline is the importance of the Scottish Government's budget and economic recovery plan - focused on supporting jobs and businesses in Scotland, " he said.
In the end, the Ryan budget is only half-a-plan.
FORBES: House GOP Would Need $5.7 Trillion In Tax Hikes to Offset Ryan Rate Cuts
Holtz-Eakin, a former director of the Congressional Budget Office, admits the plan is "not exactly revenue-neutral, " but he believes it will create economic growth.
That way, he would get left-wing support for the pull-out plan, and right-wing votes for the budget.
So, too, could a spring budget that, like December's pre-budget report, failed to spell out a credible plan to reduce the deficit.
ECONOMIST: News about recovery and inflation may sway the voters
All the while, the nuclear industry is outpacing the agency with a low-budget, voluntary and potentially ineffective plan.
Finance Minister Liu Zhongli says China will begin trimming budget deficits under the Ninth Five-Year Plan starting 1996.
The first stage will see a budget allocated for a five-year action plan.
But the firm has unveiled an investment plan for small-budget British films.
That's why he has put deficit reduction in his budget proposals as well as long-term plan, and why he asked the Vice President to lead these serious negotiations.
Ron Wyden (D-OR) and House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) proposed a far-reaching plan to remake Medicare.
The recession squashed leisure travel at the same time as budget-conscious travellers began going online to research, plan and book trips.
Imagine if you had a serious third party today that had as its plan (the budget reducing) Simpson-Bowles, out of Afghanistan, and a carbon tax.
Although the Socialists opposed Mr Sarkozy's plan to adopt a balanced-budget amendment in the constitution, Mr Hollande promises to pass a golden rule of his own (as an ordinary law).