'Prudence with a purpose' that left us with the biggest budget deficit in the G20, we remember that.
At least some of the correction is likely to lead to a smaller budget deficit.
On July 30th, he unveiled a four-year plan to bring the government's budget deficit to heel.
Closing that tax gap would go a long way to closing the huge budget deficit.
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Its budget deficit is projected to fall to 4.6% of GDP in 2011 from 9.3%.
Despite devoting huge sums to the health service, it is running a massive budget deficit.
The budget deficit and the national debt are long term threats to American prosperity.
Innovation is our special sauce and our best hope for helping solve the federal budget deficit.
The budget deficit in 2011 was probably close to 10% of GDP, barely changed from 2010.
One such issue I can address is the problem of operating a budget deficit.
The Greek government is currently introducing austerity measures to help cover its budget deficit.
The IMF also called on the U.S. to try harder to cut its budget deficit.
In effect, the budget deficit is benefiting in the short run from the inflation.
Another longer-term structural black cloud looming over the U.S. Treasury market remains the huge budget deficit.
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And, sooner or later Congress will have to rein in the federal budget deficit.
The three percent budget deficit rule for admission was the right way to go.
Yesterday President Obama gave a major address on how to tame the budget deficit.
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These targets mandate that the budget deficit be reduced to specific levels by certain dates.
Specifically, a member nation should not have a budget deficit that exceeds three percent of GDP.
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The rise in share prices has also helped to get rid of America's budget deficit.
Now Mr Yanukovich will be able to reduce his budget deficit without risking his support.
Cyprus needs cash to bail out its banks and patch a government budget deficit.
The budget deficit may be huge, but it can be financed almost entirely from domestic savings.
Shrinking the budget deficit will help shrink the foreign trade deficit and vice versa.
The budget deficit in 2011 will be 4% of GDP, against 6% in France.
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The government's budget deficit (including the states') could exceed 11% of GDP this year.
During the latter intervention, the Fed essentially monetized much of the U.S. budget deficit.
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Its budget deficit is running at an estimated 8% of GDP (including off-budget items).
There are mild nerves about a budget deficit that may hit 8% of GDP this year.
It is struggling to reduce its budget deficit whilst in recession and facing unemployment of 24%.