Despite chintzier budgets, the new barbarians can reap a fortune on this fourth wave.
Often Perry felt regional officials were just trying to find ways to meet their budgets.
But Mr Impey said despite budgets being squeezed he still believed people were interested in saving buildings.
With NHS budgets under relentless pressure, these are increasingly being seen as rations the NHS cannot afford.
That is big, but compared with the sums sloshing around in national foreign-aid budgets, it is not humungous.
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He bounced around smaller clubs with even smaller budgets, never staying more than a season.
There is no question but that there is less emphasis on controlling budgets and reducing spending.
Like business, sport is an ultra-competitive activity, full of unforeseen factors, intense competition, and shrinking budgets.
Special tax rules are not reviewed regularly whereas agency budgets are subject to annual review.
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And schools doing their part to balance tuition costs with financial aid and strained operating budgets.
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The Germans insist that growth will come from tighter budgets and reformed labour laws.
Tight budgets, for example, make it harder for the government to increase discretionary spending.
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The few new reactors being built in Europe are far over their already big budgets.
Back then Bush was correctly criticized for not vetoing budgets that were far too large.
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This figure was equivalent to double DR Congo's health and education budgets combined, the report said.
Lord Henley also stressed the need for budgets to be managed at a local level.
To determine which Hollywood flicks had the biggest budgets of all, we turned to
Annual budgets and federal debt should be linked to our gross domestic product (GDP).
The defensive approach is what has driven most enterprises to the brink of their budgets.
When revenues fall and their budgets are strained, states often end up raising college tuition.
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More communication on annual country budgets and deficits is a good baby step forward.
During the last big decline, in 2008 and 2009, miners cut exploration budgets by 40%.
They examined 167 instances where state governments either passed late budgets or had government shutdowns.
That is fine as long as science funding is steady, less so when budgets are tightened.
These organisations typically lobby for closer European integration, bigger EU budgets and more EU regulation.
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The heavier burden of debt-servicing costs will constrain consumer budgets over the next year or so.
The European Commission this week is likely to push for even greater monitoring of budgets.
Customers have been shrinking their budgets and cutting back on dining out in the weak economy.
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Asian consumers on shrinking budgets are opting for cheaper traditional remedies over expensive modern treatments.
Fortune 500 companies spend upwards of 10% to 20% of their budgets on sales and marketing.