"We think that could provide quite a buffer for the hormone replacement franchise, " Goldstein says.
Everyone agrees on the destination: lots more pure equity, the highest-quality buffer against losses.
Today, Israel maintains a security buffer between the Egyptian controlled Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip.
The wind whooshed and whined, a buffer against the lonesome quiet of my strange hotel room.
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Meanwhile Spiros is determined to buffer his family against this uncertainty despite his deep patriotism.
Without the security zone, Israel had no buffer between its civilian population and Hizbullah.
Hope, Lopez says, may buffer us from stress, anxiety and the effects of negative life events.
The Core Zone and the Buffer Zone are subject to separate joint venture agreements.
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The soldiers will join a 250-strong unarmed peacekeeping mission in the UN buffer zone.
Both Vuksic, and Leo Widrich, co-founder of Buffer, praise App.net for its developer focus.
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This buffer gives you the opportunity to keep your manufacturing lines up and running.
Cash is the buffer and should be managed between 25% when bullish and 75% when bearish.
"Our security maintained a buffer that separates the fans from the fencing area, " he said.
The 7% includes a 2.5% "conservation buffer" to protect banks against periods of difficulty or stress.
Mauritania's tolerant form of Islam and its tribal network provide a buffer against radicalism.
It's always been that a college degree is the best buffer against the economic downturn.
Solid food has to be pulverised first with a bit of water or buffer solution.
That means there is less of a buffer before losses start to burn up banks' capital.
But advocates argue that such volatility could be smoothed by setting up a buffer fund.
Several buffer layers of non-superconducting material are deposited on top to refine the pattern.
In correspondence to the Seville strategy, all clusters have core area, buffer zone and transition zone.
Boulevard Saint-Laurent acts as an unofficial buffer zone between the two linguistic communities where both languages are readily spoken.
The two sides did, however, agree to be separated by a demilitarised buffer zone.
An insurer also creates an additional pool of capital to act as a buffer, just in case.
It operates in a part of the buffer zone known as Sector B, just east of Kosovo.
The "yellow zone, " which is much larger than the red zone, will act as a buffer zone.
Mr Pryce said the service currently had a "slight buffer" of staff, allowing for training and absence.
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"With inventory levels and our buffer, we see no impact on production at all, " Mr. Magee said.
Since electricity cannot be stored in the same way as oil, no such centralised buffer is possible.
Rising retail sales served as a buffer against slow, but moderating growth in industrial output and investment.