This has a tendency to heat and raise Earth's high atmosphere, buffeting Goce with stronger winds.
The earnings also underscored the trends buffeting consumer electronics retailers heading into Christmas.
For sure, the Franco-German partnership has withstood many a buffeting over the decades.
This performance is even more remarkable when you consider that there have been other negative AD shocks buffeting the U.S. economy.
While traders like volatility, the number of cross currents buffeting the stock market still makes those on the short side nervous.
The Airbus A330 went into a sustained stall, signaled by a warning message and strong buffeting of the aircraft, the report said.
Some of the global headwinds buffeting China were foreseeable (see article).
He has certainly taken a heavy buffeting in the past six months.
His staff even anticipates that the return of conscription may be required to fill the ranks if the all-volunteer force simply cannot withstand such buffeting.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Rep. Howard 'Buck' McKeon, Keeper of the Flame
The storms blowing in from Asian markets are still buffeting Russia.
So, too, is the phase when oil wealth alone could make and keep the region prosperous, as well as insulate Gulf societies from the buffeting winds of globalisation.
It should strengthen now, as the economy picks up, though some buffeting may intervene if investors react sceptically to the half-hearted new austerity plan which the government approved in principle this week.
ECONOMIST: Poland's central-bank governor has been a huge success
So many headwinds seem to be buffeting Japan.
FORBES: Radioactive Rice and Sudden Acceleration? How About Over-Reaction and Irresponsibility?
As subject to the buffeting of political storms as either of the other two branches of government, and like them capable of making mistakes, the court's legitimacy survives because its contribution is distinct and respected.
But a nuclear warhead would have to be small enough to fit onto, say, a Nodong missile - and it would have to be capable of withstanding the buffeting and other forces exerted on it during flight.
Not surprising, then, that Britain's government should grab hold of the word and cling to it in the buffeting the coalition has had since the budget on June 22nd proposed higher taxes and even sharper spending cuts.
Buffeting Walt along the way is the irksome news that one of his deputies, Branch (Bailey Chase), has decided to run against him for sheriff and hopes to capitalize on rumors that Walt has taken to drowning his sorrows in drink.