They represent contemporary business ethics that have evolved since 1970, good business practice and an opportunity for buildingsocialcapital and reputational good will.
It might take longer to gain mainstream awareness, but with the groundswell of social media and capital efficiency of building a company, media reach is no longer a gating item.
The Rockefeller Foundation set out on this path at the very beginning, by focusing on field and capacity building to ensure the quality of the first few social impact bonds, engaging the capital markets and traditional investors, and as investors ourselves.
It also called for "modest" business tax cuts and urged the speeding-up of planned capital spending projects, such as for the building and refurbishment of schools and for social housing.
Moreover, in order to facilitate the school-to-work transition of young female graduates there is an urgent need to mainstream this issue in the national development strategy on building the capacity of human capital in the country, and to integrate it in all plans of action and social and economic policies on youth empowerment.