"The stock had a run into the panel, and there was clearly some anticipation that it would vote favorably--the bulk of the notes out there had a positive bias, " Bonello says.
Although part-timers help out during peak periods, the bulk of Saga's stitching is done by full-timers, paid a salary rather than by the piece.
ECONOMIST: Ending child labour can have unexpected consequences
In June, the governors of eight American states and the premiers of Ontario and Quebec signed an accord setting out principles for controlling bulk-water exports.
ECONOMIST: Environmental management faces moving targets
Such efforts notwithstanding, Josef Schmidhuber, an agronomist at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, argues that Brazil's competitive advantage lies in churning out huge quantities of low-cost bulk commodities.
That hasn't gone unnoticed by banks that are increasingly seeking out smaller, higher-priced sales to the newcomers alongside bulk asset sales to bigger investors.
WSJ: Sales Pace Picks Up for Troubled European Property Assets
Armour buys U.S. government-backed mortgage securities, leverages them up, and pays out the bulk of her income as dividends.
FORBES: 5 Monthly Paying Dividend Stocks With Attractive Yields
Sheryl Hall and Betty Lambuth both testified the White House should be able to begin turning out the e-mails in the next few days and have the bulk of the work done in the next few months.
CNN: White House begins copying tapes of missing e-mails
For instance, if paper towels were only sold in bulk packages large enough to last a family a decade, low-income families would be priced out of this market as well.
FORBES: Why Market Based Immigration is America's Best Bet
But Mr Cameron said the vast bulk of Britain's military operations over the past few decades had been carried out with allies and said co-operating on testing nuclear warheads would save millions of pounds.
BBC: Cameron and Sarkozy hail UK-France defence treaties