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That attack led to a comprehensive security review which is still on-going, and the erection of a bullet proof screen between MPs and the public.
The trial started in a secure basement courtroom equipped with bullet-proof glass separating the defendants from the three judges who will hear the case, and more bullet-proof glass separating the public from the court.
With 25 years in the trenches, an undergraduate finance degree from a reputable university, countless hours of training and continuous education, and the trust and goodwill I have built with the many sources that refer their clients to me, you would think my capture rate would be bullet proof.
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The police station at the scene withstood the explosion, with a single, bullet-proof window blown in.
Farooq and his handlers walk towards the airport exit where three bullet-proof Ambassadors are lined up.
He wore a bullet-proof jacket before going in but the bullets got him anyway.
In the 1950s Stephanie Kwolek invented Kevlar, the synthetic fibre used to make bullet-proof-vests.
She pointed me in the direction of the bullet-proof glass window where my new restraining order awaited.
With all the bullet-proof windows rolled up, it must have registered somewhere around 120 degrees in the car.
So, how do you bullet-proof a prenup to avoid future conflict over it?
Bullet-proof cars and armed bodyguards are now viewed by many as basic needs.
He demanded the removal of the bullet-proof screens along three sides of the dock, which was open to the judges.
Guido De Sanctis, the Italian consul in the city, was travelling in his bullet-proof car when unidentified gunmen opened fire.
In accordance with the police guidelines, on Tuesday the marchers were transported to the periphery of the town in bullet-proof buses.
They are specifically designed to protect occupants from ambush attacks, incorporating bullet-proof windows designed to withstand small-arms fire, such as .223-caliber rifles.
Police also found bullet-proof vests and 11 cars and two car-removal lorries.
One day, I'm waiting outside his Jammu home, wondering which bullet-proof car he will choose, when he emerges in a gray blazer.
CDOs that their investments may not be as bullet-proof as they thought.
They were allowed to march holding flags and singing folk songs for a half an hour, and then returned to their bullet-proof buses.
Fifty-two suspected members of the radical Islamic group, Salafia Jihadia, appeared in a cage of bullet-proof glass in the criminal chamber of Casablanca's appeals court.
It is almost enough to make you feel sorry for Europe's eighth richest man and his three yachts, several helicopters, bullet-proof limousines and model girlfriend.
This was ostensibly manned by the pro-Congolese government militia known as the Mai Mai after the water they douse themselves with to create a magical, bullet-proof shield.
BBC: NEWS | Africa | Retracing Che Guevara's Congo footsteps
Members of company boards of directors, above all, seem bullet-proof.
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Twenty defendants were separated from the court by bullet-proof glass.
"People buy Toyotas for their bullet-proof reliability, " said Krebbs.
Through the bullet-proof windows of our van, we saw a few children playing, women in burkhas, and men going about their daily business as we drove from the airport to the Embassy.
Talks began in the afternoon when a delegation of cabinet ministers and government members entered the bullet-proof container where he has been holed up since Tuesday with thousands of his supporters gathered alongside.