It offers basic shelter and a handful of bunk beds but no blankets, heating or water.
Inside a long, poorly lit room several old men are lying on a row of bunk beds.
Nightline also shows cramped dorm rooms, which sleep eight workers in bunk beds.
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Promise was a freshman at Shanghai Normal University, where he studied economics and shared two sets of bunk beds with three roommates.
They are then given a full refurbishment and fitted with bunk beds and proper rest and washing areas for the special mission crew.
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The launch of the new sleepercoach network follows the success of a pilot route between Glasgow and London using refurbished vehicles fitted with bunk beds.
Bunk beds and pink wallpaper and photo collages appear behind them.
It sleeps up to eight on bunk beds, and the guide can prepare dinner while you relax on the deck or in front of the fireplace.
Accommodating its population of close to 400 women and children requires a large staff of teachers, counselors and medical personnel -- and dozens of bunk beds.
Bunk beds, with the top bunk actually a flat panel pulled down from the bottom of overhead bins, were something that could be built to required safety standards.
Other studies have shown no effect on injuries from rollover warnings in Ford Broncos, safety warnings on bunk beds or the warnings to pregnant women on alcohol containers.
The cozy, 4-square-meter Sleepbox contains a maximum of three bunk beds, bedside tables, electrical outlets, and reading lamps and can be equipped with a television and alarm clock.
The house will feature a roughly 500-foot "kids' wing, " with three sets of bunk beds, a lofted play area and a camp-style bathroom with four sinks and sectioned-off toilets and showers.
Cosying up to strangers is a given at Anchorage Bay, where a large wooden hut has giant bunk beds with plastic mattresses for a dozen people, along with cooking facilities, heaters and communal spaces.
Lang and his father moved into Fengtai, a grim neighborhood of Beijing, where they occupied a studio apartment a hundred feet square, with bunk beds, a piano, a tiny galley kitchen, and no heat.
With two bathrooms, a media room and numbered bunk beds matched with towel hooks and luggage storage, the summer-camp-style space was designed to house their three teenagers along with their friends and relatives who frequently visit with them.
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Air New Zealand studied household furniture and, in its warehouse lab, experimented with bunk beds, staggered coach seating in kind of a tic-tac-toe pattern that would allow passengers to stretch out more with legs protruding between seats, or even stacking seats atop each other in the coach cabin.
Beneath the two passenger decks of this modified super jumbo is an Air Force One-style air-stair -- allowing access to the tarmac without the need for a sky-bridge or external staircase -- and a crew dining area, crew gallery, crew bathroom, sleeping quarters for eight on bunk beds, a communications room and spiral staircase leading to the main deck.
Kingdom, and all have two separate sleeping areas plus bunk and trundle beds.
Other kid-friendly touches: trundle beds that pull out for those little dears who refuse to sleep on the top bunk, junior-eye level peepholes in the guest room doors, and a built-in potty seat that cleverly folds over the regular seat if needed (the Legoland park is targeted at the 2 to 12 set).