It is thought the crypts were originally used as special burial places for the nobility.
Those checks did not turn up anything to indicate the burial was done improperly.
CNN: Sheriff: Tamerlan Tsarnaev's burial was handled properly
The burial caught people off guard in Caroline County, which has about 30, 000 residents.
CNN: Sheriff: Tamerlan Tsarnaev's burial was handled properly
Gov. Deval Patrick said Wednesday night Tsarnaev's burial is an issue for his family.
The Vatican provides details on how to visit these and other holy burial sites.
Some of the funds raised for Ms Sumani would go towards a decent burial, she said.
He was given a hurried burial beneath the church of Greyfriars in the centre of Leicester.
Without a "sign of repentance before death, a religious burial can be refused, " the decree states.
Reagan to California for the burial, and never once on the plane removed her heels.
However, some people, regardless of belief, are still reluctant to consider the alternative to burial.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Crematorium throws open its doors
Deputy Rob Duhamel said the initiative would be more environmentally friendly than cremation or burial.
Mercia Crematoria wants to build a crematorium and woodland burial site near Doddington Road in Wellingborough.
By that time, hopefully, the shell that is Groupon will have been given a decent burial.
An exhumation of the Upton family burial plot in January did not find Moira's remains.
After the ceremony the women's bodies were to be taken to their home villages for burial.
Boyer said Santa Barbara county has never been approached about burial on private land.
CNN: Jackson family may be allowed burial at Neverland Ranch
Perhaps the burial of once-great Motorola will wake up others headed down this path to doom.
The burial was attended by about 20 relatives who had flown out to Saudi Arabia.
The instructions were followed before he was removed, but no burial information has ever been found.
Developing new areas for burial at the two main cemeteries and creating a new cemetery.
This was demolished in the 1530s, but documents describing the burial site have survived.
The archaeologists believe there may be as many as three Indian burial grounds near the circle.
This morning Mrs Saldanha's body arrived in the city of Mangalore, India, for burial.
Michael Doubleday said the defense secretary did not overrule West's initial decision to deny the burial.
CNN: AllPolitics - Cohen Intervened To Allow Arlington Burial
As the defeated foe, Richard was given a low-key burial in the Franciscan friary of Greyfriars.
But everyone should think through their burial and funeral wishes and properly document them.
The town was festooned with pink ribbons as her parents brought her body back for burial.
The row has been temporarily defused by Mrs Marcos, who has agreed to postpone the burial.
An Interior Ministry investigation of burial sites in the Tetovo region is expected to begin Wednesday.
In the industrialised world, formal burial in a coffin is still the preferred method of interment.