The application deadline for each institution UNESCO-Aschberg bursary varies from one institution to another.
"I believe this bursary will make a difference, " Mr Madada told the AFP news agency.
There are also similar bursary schemes in other remote areas such as the Highlands of Scotland.
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The grant panel may withdraw a bursary or bursaries if this is not the case.
The National Union of Students would like to see a national bursary scheme to help poorer students.
The institutions will pre-select three candidates for each bursary and submit them to UNESCO together with their applications files.
An official revealed in July that more than a quarter of bursary applications from impoverished students are turned down.
The university describes the bursary, available from 2006, as a "golden opportunity to every talented young person previously deterred by cost".
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Oxfordshire | Poor families targeted by Oxford
He added that there were "generous bursary arrangements" available at Scottish universities.
Proceeds of the single are going to the Jimmy Higham Bursary Fund.
Based in Nairobi, the bursary provides an annual scholarship to the Centre, founded in honour of award-winning cameraman and producer, the late Mohamed Amin.
His placement was funded through the Nuffield Foundation Science bursary scheme.
Once any bursary has been awarded, the Unsung Hero will need to establish an appropriate audit trail to show how the money has been spent.
Currently, 3% of the student body at Oxford are from the lowest income bracket, while one in five would qualify for the bursary at some level.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Oxfordshire | Poor families targeted by Oxford
He spent his bursary on footballs, cones, bibs and training aids essential to running the club and increasing the number of coaching sessions for the teams.
Plaid Cymru Health Spokesperson Elin Jones called on the government to maintain the current bursary scheme as it is and ensure the continuous professional development in the nursing profession.
Jake says he agrees with tuition fees given the current economic climate but feels more should be done to help students from lower income families - possibly with bursary help.
Other questions were on the timetable for the draft bill to modernise adult care, establishing local HealthWatch organisations, and the impact of the 16-19 Bursary Fund on young people's participation in education.
Among the causes supported by the trust has been a scholarship scheme for Leeds University undergraduate medical students, funding - among other things - a bursary for the students to conduct research during the holidays.
For instance, another bursary scheme, aimed at eliminating child labour, is now helping 130, 000 children aged seven to 14, but a further 736, 000 are estimated still to be working on farms or in workshops instead of going to school.
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