The bankers all burst out laughing after hearing the signature line that earned Gooding an Oscar.
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Mr Major burst out laughing and agreed, after all, to give Kenny his interview.
BBC: By BBC News Online's Bob Eggington
"The interrogators and guards burst out laughing, " when they heard that, said Phnom Penh deputy governor Chea Sophara.
When I mention that the rule forbidding late-staying guests will now oblige me to leave, they burst out laughing.
CNN: A Tale of Two Countries
Although hearing her speak did make me burst out laughing pretty consistently.
FORBES: Cleaving a Path Through the Guild Wars 2 Beta
And the images are as restrained and as precise as the highly ordered behavior of the characters, who wear their mask of dignity tightly bound in order not to burst out laughing or screaming.
NEWYORKER: Good Girl (Gentille)
Paul and I burst out laughing.
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We all burst out laughing.
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