High demand for water amid the heat wave and problems with soil shrinking as the ground warms has resulted in burst pipes and low water pressure in Oklahoma City, prompting officials to issue mandatory water-use restrictions for the first time in at least a decade, according to utilities department spokeswoman Debbie Ragan.
As well as moving any fallen trees from the river, the authority intends to clear the gravel bar at the bend in the Water of Ruchill, where it burst its banks, to reduce the pressure on the eroded bank.
However, an inquest held into his death in February 2011 found that he died after his bowel burst due to a build-up of pressure in it - not because of any problems caused by a surgical instrument.
Does this mean a burst is on the cards, or does it suggest selling pressure (both short and closing longs) may exert an influence at a more gradual pace?