One European study found that halving bus fares would reduce car use by less than 1%.
Campaigners urging public transport operator First to reduce its bus fares in Bristol have held a meeting.
Bristol's elected mayor has signed a petition calling on FirstBus to reduce bus fares in the city.
BBC: Bristol Mayor George Ferguson signs bus fare cut petition
Tube tickets, already among the costliest in the world, will rise by 3.6% and bus fares by 7.4%.
The council has said it can no longer subsidise concessionary bus fares after a 30% reduction in government grants.
Bus fares on single, DayRider and season tickets in Swindon have gone up.
The new fare cards were so badly administered that a moratorium had to be declared on all bus fares.
It's been a long time coming but from Thursday passengers can pay for bus fares using a contactless bankcard.
First has responded to local concerns saying it was undertaking a review of bus fares and promised to consult the public.
"I want bus fares to be as affordable as possible so that passengers have a genuine choice about how to meet their travel needs, " he said.
As well as funding the cost of home care where appropriate, he said other help was available for the elderly, including home heating and free bus fares.
The money was supposed to be spent on bus fares, books and the like, but some recipients have frittered it away on fripperies such as make-up and mobile phones.
With these funds, which are managed through a private company, Mr Ortega has won support with giveaways of zinc roofing material, livestock and the like, as well as cheap bus fares.
Scottish Conservatives gave Scotland 1, 000 additional police officers, accelerated cuts in business rates for 150, 000 small Scottish businesses, launched a new chapter in the battle against drugs abuse and kept bus fares down.
BBC: Page last updated at 05:19 GMT, Friday, 2 May 2008 06:19 UK
The government has allowed taxi drivers and bus companies to double their fares.
Campaigners urging bus firm First to reduce fares in Bristol hope they can get the issue debated by the council.
Rising public transport fares, cuts to bus services and the access to out-of-town discount stores a car allows, now make your own four wheels a necessity in all places except London.
MPs highlighted that more than 70% of local authorities have moved rapidly to reduce funding for supported bus services, forcing operators to push up fares or withdraw services.
Bus passengers in London can now choose to pay fares with a contactless card, Transport for London (TfL) has said.
First Bus is holding a consultation on the price of its fares in the Greater Bristol area and hopes to complete the review by the end of the summer.
It was organised by Daniel Farr from Make Fares Fair, who has started a petition calling for the price of bus travel to be lowered.
First said it acknowledges its fares "have often been a matter of public concern" and it will be inviting participation from bus passengers, the public, local MPs, councillors, and the mayor as part of a public consultation.