At the same time, and despite his calls for a harmonious "One Malaysia, " the prime minister has placated his party's ethnic Malay base by protecting pro-Malay affirmative action in government, business and education.
WSJ: Joseph Chinyong Liow: Malaysia's Doppelganger Election
Affirmative action that favours the Malay majority (also known as the Bumiputra) in business, jobs and education has resulted in a flight of capital and talent.
BBC: Economy key in Malaysia's tightest poll
Fueling their latent sense of discontent is the National Development Policy (previously known as the New Economic Policy), a long-established affirmative-action program that gives preferential treatment to indigenous Malays over other races in business, education and other fields.
He has scrapped a decades-old law enabling security forces to detain critics without trial, and began chipping away at the sprawling affirmative-action program while accelerating state-asset sales to reduce government's hold over business.
WSJ: Malaysians Turn Out in Large Numbers in Tight, Historic Election
He has scrapped a decades-old law enabling security forces to detain critics without trial, and began chipping away at the sprawling affirmative-action program while accelerating state-asset sales to loosen the government's hold over business.
WSJ: Malaysians Turn Out in Record Numbers in Tight, Historic Election