His lessons are applicable to any hidebound grad student or business executive: Rewrite the rules.
The allegations stem from an October 1995 meeting O'Leary held with a Chinese business executive.
CNN: AllPolitics - Independent Counsel Investigation Of Former Energy Secretary?
When he took on that role, he did so as a business executive would, however.
We are usually business executive, wife, mother and daughter all rolled into one.
When President Obama needed a business executive to come to his campaign defense, Jim Sinegal was there.
Gordon Cucullu has been an Army Green Beret lieutenant colonel, as well as a writer, popular speaker, business executive and farmer.
For the most part, Mr. Romney has campaigned as a former business executive and Beltway outsider who can get things done.
The HR business executive is increasingly responsible for the technology to improve workforce productivity in addition to hiring, training, and compensation management.
The business began when a Filipina school director asked a visiting U.S. business executive to connect her students to the global economy.
Yet sitting in her Minneapolis office, dressed in a black 1980s power suit, Ms Nelson looks every bit the thrusting business executive.
Dr. Carl Abrams, financial services sector business executive at IBM, said data in the industry is growing at 70 percent a year.
In recent weeks, Mr. Cue also promoted longtime iTunes business executive Robert Kondrk to vice president, other people close to the division said.
At the moment, that candidate is Herman Cain: business executive, African-American Baptist preacher and gospel singer and believer in small government and individual responsibility.
He writes about the kidnappers of a business executive in Bolivia who directed him to place an ad for a lost brown female Doberman.
On May 9th, Forbes Staff writer Jenna Goudreau published a guest post on her column titled How I Became A 21-Year-Old Business Executive.
FORBES: Contributor Fires Back at Forbes Article Re: Star Hughes - Forbes
Anett Grant, founder of the Minneapolis speech-coaching business Executive Speaking Inc.
If you are a business executive: change your mindset about investment.
FORBES: One Kind of Innovation That Could Save American Business
He achieved that reputation the old fashioned way: He earned it as a former Congressman, successful non-profit business executive and long-time top-rated talk radio show.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A fatal 'box canyon' for the G.O.P.?
When he was railing against the Vietnam war and heartless corporations during the 1960s, Austin Ligon was quite sure he would never end up as a business executive.
"We will never allow anybody to sell our products on the Internet, " said Pappalardo, perhaps the only business executive at CES this year to make such a statement.
Every business executive should be asking: What positive incentive is there for employees to get the most value out of the health care dollars spent on their behalf?
The same argument holds for a 20-year seasoned business executive.
So we have been traveling around the country, from city to city, talking with business executive, nonprofit leaders, school administrators, clergy members -- pretty much anyone who will listen.
Also arrested on a related criminal complaint in Miami was Shusen Wei, a Chinese business executive, who also attended the antique show and shared a hotel room with Li.
So it was interesting to hear what Steve Stoute, former music business executive and, now, marketing executive had to say about his transition from one challenging industry to the other.
FORBES: Steve Stoute Knows Jay-Z And Lady Gaga, And He Knows What Makes For Powerful Branding
Business executive Kenny Chan bought a row house six years ago, lived there for three years, then sold it at a 100% profit so he could purchase his current duplex unit.
What's happening is that as IT becomes central to how businesses operate, the CIO becomes less of a pure tech specialist and more of a business executive, heavily involved in strategy.
For her part Graca Machel, former first lady of both Mozambique and South Africa, and a business executive in her own right, issued a warning to the women attending the summit.
Herbert Hoover is the only business executive to be elected to the oval office, and then only after serving in the cabinet during the 1920s, one of the great boom eras in American history.