When I talked to Agassi last Monday, he was his usual ebullient self, infusing the business case for Better Place with his mission of making electric cars as attractive to own as petroleum-powered models by eliminating the high cost and limited range of most current electric vehicles.
These are not technologies that build infrastructure or that are mission critical for getting business done.
First to succumb were the airlines with innovative new business models, such as Silverjet with its mission to undercut the major airlines in the battle for business passengers.
The company said the changes will help it deliver better results for its business and continue delivering on its mission of patient health.
For monasteries business is a critical subset of their mission in life: not the mission itself.
FORBES: CEOs, Egos and Logos: Overcoming the Sudden Squalls of Leadership
Motorola Solutions is a leading provider of business- and mission-critical communication products and services for enterprise and government customers.
Further, by deploying trust, values and a purpose-driven mission as the primary drivers for all business activities, interactions and decisions, companies can transform a workforce of bricklayers into a highly coordinated and inspired team of cathedral-builders whose inspired work generates both success and significance for our companies and the world.
FORBES: (Almost) Everything We Think About Employee Engagement is Wrong
The business, then, pursues a broad mission of facilitating human development for social and organizational gain in a number of ways.
But this seamless experience is making the security of mission- and business-critical data a complex issue for business and IT decision makers.
Hire the right people for the right task, make sure they have an understanding of your business and mission.
Certainly some of this train of thought can be attributed to having an all for one and one for all mentality, but I considered the overall mission statement that a business has.
For a woman so successful, it is of course a mission with a business opportunity.
The act is legislation designed to make it easier for young people to start a business, which coincides with the Gen-Y Capital Partners mission.
There's new urgency to this mission, although a strategy shift to build on the tax business has been in the works for several years.
Our editorial counsel Kai Falkenberg, who has started blogging for us as well as keeping us from losing lawsuits, has plans to begin tracking how the beat cops of the business world, the SEC and the Dept. of Justice, succeed at this mission of pinning responsibility for wrongdoing and destruction of shareholder value where it belongs: on the executives, not the companies they run so poorly.
FORBES: A plea for personal responsibility in the corner office