Now as more Chinese people travel for business and for pleasure, these types of hotels are becoming commonplace in modernized China.
Up to 6 million Chinese are expected to travel abroad this year for business or pleasure--many for the first time--up from 5.3 million in 1997 and 2.8 million in 1992.
Outside of long lines at security I have not had many problems traveling for business and pleasure this year.
CNN: readers share tales of terrible travel, pleasant surprises -
At the end of the day, you have to get from point A to point B -- be it for business, pleasure or personal obligations.
The State Department issues a Travel Warning for any country it deems particularly volatile, and recommends that anyone traveling overseas, whether for business or pleasure, register with them first.
FlyerTalk is an online forum for people who travel for business or pleasure, many of them mileage junkies, to share strategies to score tickets, upgrades, lounge access and other perks.
He was in New York for business and pleasure.
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There are certainly worse places to visit, either for business or pleasure, and few cities from where it is so easy to travel anywhere in Europe in a few hours by virtually any method you choose.
My trip to Hakone was both for pleasure and business.
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While businesses across cultures and countries are building successful ventures with these type of relationships, particularly in the BRIC countries, Americans at a disadvantage by not mixing business with pleasure or going for the drive-through transaction.
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If you are visiting for business, you will find pleasure sneaks up on you.
Recently, though, I have been investigating flats in London for a trip (business and pleasure) I need to take in November with my family.
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Always separate business and pleasure, and that goes for phone lines as well.
For those requiring another notch up when it comes to service, Kingfisher Elite offers private jets (on which you can even take a mid-air shower), for charter for business....or, indeed, pleasure.
In order to mix some pleasure with business, we left an afternoon free for a bit of sightseeing.
For an industry that typically views travel as either business- or pleasure-related, the news comes as a surprise.
While hardcore fans will be tuning in for pleasure, the NFL Scouting Combine has become big business for all involved.
As for us, we choose secret option (c): keep our business and pleasure separate.
If you are visiting for pleasure, there are no shortage of locals who make it their business to please.
Pleasure flights would last just a few hours and don't hold much promise for repeat business.