From 1992 through 2000, Ms. Burns led several business teams including the office color and fax business and office network printing business.
Approximately 310 inmates are employed for bookbinding, carpentry, and locksmithing work as well as in jobs in the library, business office, kitchen and general housekeeping.
Her volunteer position as administrative assistant in the business office of a small college mandated working forty hours per week, but evenings and weekends were free for hiking and kayaking, reading, writing, and sewing Tlingit moccasins.
Ryan Heber told CNN that it wasn't just his students he was worried about as he faced the gunman -- it was also his wife, who works in the business office of the school, and his two sons, ages 5 and 3, at home.
Globally, the company also released updated versions of the traditional Office suite: Office Home and Student 2013, Office Home and Business 2013 and Office Professional 2013.
Microsoft today is also launching updated versions of its more traditional Office suite, including Office Home and Student 2013, Office Home and Business 2013 and Office Professional 2013.
FORBES: Microsoft: Subscription-Based Version Of Office Debuts
Brilliant, who ran that unit of the company until its management was subsumed within Google's business development office, pushed it into disease eradication, alongside somewhat more commercially flavored investments in causes like renewable energy.
The LIFEBOOK E752 desktop replacement notebook, designed for business professionals and office workers, offers a highly flexible platform that can be configured to meet diverse business needs.
For small business customers, Office 365 delivers enterprise-grade technology at a predictable monthly price.
The gods do their business in aged office buildings, with wide marble corridors and dark-wood walls.
For that reason, estate planners saw a land office business at the end of 2012.
American Express teleworkers handled 26% more calls and produced 43% more business than their office-based counterparts, Telework said.
FORBES: One In Five Americans Work From Home, Numbers Seen Rising Over 60%
Telecommuters at American Express, for instance, are reckoned to generate over 40% more business than their office-bound colleagues.
Mr Cable reiterated that the government's plans did not include the sale of the Royal Mail's Post Office business.
The impact will not only be visible in the box office business, but also percolate down to DVD and licensing sales.
Duties may include assisting with general office business faxing, answering phones, filing, assembling press materials, working on special projects and event coverage.
Movies like The Hunger Games, Brave, Prometheus and Snow White and the Huntsman did great box office business with female leads.
FORBES: 'The Expendables 2' Should Top The Box Office, Women Everywhere Sigh Heavily
Now Hollywood, which reportedly counts on the holiday season for nearly a quarter of its box office business, can only hope they are.
Four thousand staff working at 373 Crown - or main - offices, handling 20% of all Post Office business, will strike on 30 March.
It was a bitter race, with Spitzer slamming incumbent Republican Dennis Vacco for taking campaign money from companies that did business with his office.
Back in 1977 I was doing a lot of running, and had already started a mail order business, selling office supplies by mail order catalog.
Labour, of course, has never been adamantly anti-business once in office.
Bush, son of former President George Bush and brother of Texas Gov. George W. Bush, will once again try to get into the family business of political office.
CNN: AllPolitics - Jeb Bush Jumps Into 1998 Florida Governor's Race
Running out of options, Bailyn decided to start a business from the office of his brother Bradley, who was establishing a a new practice as a divorce lawyer.
FORBES: He Built Multi-Million Dollar Revenues By Beating Google
These realignments affected all of Dell's operating segments, but primarily consisted of the transfer of small office business customers from the Small and Medium Business segment to the Consumer Segment.
Incredibly, it would create an appointed Board of Advisors, some of whom could be employed by companies -- foreign or domestic -- with a vested interest in Patent Office business.
Instead he tees up opportunity for top private equity firms and gets them to invest alongside him, letting them worry about the fundraising so he can focus on building the business from his office in St.
The company's core business software like Office 2010 has been showing great results for more than a year now, and the Xbox had its best holiday season ever, as Microsoft sold a million in a single day after Thanksgiving.
Microsoft's sprawling business division now competes with Cisco for the business of digitizing office voice communications (bolstered by Raikes' acquisition of voice-recognition software specialist Tellme last March) and Elop will have to take on online threats to Microsoft's productivity software, such as the free online productivity tools offered by Google, as well.