Under the rules, you may not deduct the cost of parking at your regular place (or places) of business: routine trips to one client could be considered non-deductible depending on your facts and circumstances.
Catching sharks is never a routine business, even for experts like Burkholder and his crew.
After routine business, executives and others departed about 10:30, leaving the directors in executive session.
As we have stated, this decision has far-reaching implications for businesses and individuals across the country in the way routine business decisions are implemented.
The U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, and its consulates in Lahore, Karachi and Peshawar were closed Monday to routine business, the embassy said in a statement.
MBIA, and its peers like Ambac Financial Group, traditionally operated in the somewhat routine business of insuring municipal bonds but expanded into the mortgage market as the housing boom swelled and began writing insurance on mortgage-related instruments that turned sour en masse when the bubble burst.
FORBES: Morgan Stanley Settles MBIA Suits, Will Take $1.8B Hit
Before a family vacation or business trip, my routine is to check Internet travel sites, like Traveladvisor, and I pore over hotel reviews.
FORBES: Launching the "New" Customer Service 2.0 in the Age of Internet/SNS
But clearly the aim is to show the company is still committed to China, and that any store closures are part of a routine periodic business adjustment.
FORBES: Apple, Walmart Fight Back After Chinese Media Attack
Nor is there such a requirement for countless other routine types of business presentations.
The young people they're seeing out of American public schools are unable to perform even the most routine, elementary business functions.
So would a greater willingness among bankers and bosses to treat insolvency as a routine part of business, and to use it more readily.
Commercial demand is apt to rise sharply within the next few years as social media, sensors, and other new data generators make petabytes a routine part of business analytics.
FORBES: Big Data Needs Data Scientists, Or Quants, Or Excel Jockeys
The study shows that owners of vehicles that fail an emissions test are 11 percent less likely to return to that facility the following year, which implies that those same customers also are less likely to use that business for future repairs and routine service.
FORBES: Competition Leads to Workplace Corruption, Research Shows
Such adjustments are indeed a routine part of any business, and would perhaps result in some short news stories in the west.
FORBES: Apple, Walmart Fight Back After Chinese Media Attack
All of this, of course, is routine turf protection in the business world.
Moreover, even when such measures are incorporated into trials, translating the results into routine practice is a tricky business.
He has ended the routine waving through of European business and forced the Commons to debate more than ever before.
It will do all the work of a business, its scientific calculations, its routine office accounting, and its occasional costing analyses as each comes round, and it will take in its stride all the awkward exceptions that crop up in every batch of routine calculations.
In an increasingly globalized market, mergers and acquisitions with an international component are routine, and most foreign purchases of American business assets will raise no national security issues.
FORBES: If You Want to Buy an American Company, Ask Permission, Not Forgiveness
Each new design, whether airliner or business jet, has faced issues that were discovered only after the aircraft was placed into routine service.