America imprisons people for technical violations of immigration laws, environmental standards and arcane business rules.
Even such an apparently modest step as training African officials in enforcing business rules could fall foul of this.
Turning to the economy, Mr Clegg accused Prime Minister Gordon Brown of a "spectacular failure" to apply proper business rules.
When something went wrong or when an opportunity to improve service appeared, a set of business rules helped determine the appropriate response.
It allows creators, publishers and distributors to attach not just usage rights to their content, but business rules such as tailored pricing.
The company switched from a traditional health plan to a self-insured plan run by benefits-manager WellNet Inc. this year, in part because of the law's small-business rules, said Jack Lisicky, a founder.
Hearsay Social responded by giving companies a service that would let companies set business rules and monitor how well its employees were complying with those rules in their use of social networks.
FORBES: Hearsay Social Lets Companies Turn Local Reps into Digital Brand Ambassadors
The project is centered on building the software technology to allow end-users and web sites to define the business rules and negotiate the terms of how they would be willing to interact with each other.
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Some resources to help drum up reliable partners and navigate local business rules include the Department of Commerce's U.S. Commercial Service, which has trade offices in over 80 countries, and one of the 104 U.S. Chambers of Commerce in 91 countries.
Business tax rules dealing with expensing, depreciation and research and development are, however, largely short term.
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The generous bonus depreciation and small business deduction rules begin to drastically phase out in January 2012, which will likely cause a dramatic reversal in investment and other indicators.
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The survey of each country covers the ease or difficulty of doing business by a number of measures, such as procedures needed to start a legal business, rules concerning the hiring and firing of workers, registering property and enforcing commercial contracts.
Otherwise, the rules for business travel rely merely on the ordinary and necessary rules.
The business of smashing rules and conventions is about to become harder.
In 1992, the Supreme Court practically begged Congress to sort out the mess, noting both the complexity of these issues and the danger to business of conflicting rules in different states.
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One of the most contentious issues has been how to set the number of workers that may be admitted in the future, with business wanting liberal rules and labor wanting limits.
WSJ: Business, Labor Groups Find Little Accord on Immigration
Regulators and Congress are often sensitive to chasing business (and fraud) abroad with new rules as well as taking business away from small businesses and handing it over to big banks.
Two of his rules of business, in particular, are rarely found in books on entrepreneurship.
There are several rules of business that, if followed, will make you truly successful, whatever your pursuit.
Web masters WHO IS REDEFINING the rules of business for the Internet age?
Not all will agree, however, on raising the minimum wage, investing in alternative energies and new rules governing business.
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Especially since the rules of business engagement are being redefined by developing countries.
On Tuesday, White said she would quickly get to the business of writing new rules with the other SEC commissioners.
It seems that M Jewell LLC had made it its business to know the rules in this area better than most people.
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The campaigning, being a maverick, changing the rules of business.
American author and negotiating coach Jim Camp recommends that Americans who deal with overseas people who express an anti-U.S. feeling, should apply the following 10 rules to business deals.
What's happened in business is that the rules of the real 21st century aren't clear to us, so instead we spend our time responding rationally to a world which we understand and recognize, but which no longer exists.
The days of men filtering business style into the confined rules almost seem unnatural.
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His lessons are applicable to any hidebound grad student or business executive: Rewrite the rules.