• But I also ran into a bunch of annoying bugs and limitations, problems its maker readily acknowledges and says it is working on solving.

    WSJ: Watch Keeps Alerts From a Phone at Arm's Length

  • Iovate Health Sciences was also a big rival but ran into some regulatory issues that MusclePharm strives hard to avoid, employing a former assistant surgeon general and FDA director with more than 20 years of experience on its staff.

    FORBES: Nutritional Supplements Flexing Muscles As Growth Industry

  • Supporters of her successor, Fidel Ramos, had also wanted to tinker with the constitution but ran into fierce resistance.

    ECONOMIST: The Philippines

  • The government's decision late last month ran into trouble not just because opposition parties objected but also because the move was unpopular with coalition allies, who complained they were not consulted.

    WSJ: India Shelves Retail Reforms

  • When Sony finally ran into an innovation that was disruptive not only to the market but also to Sony itself, then they stumbled.

    FORBES: Why Clayton Christensen Worries About Apple

  • Townsend's book had the benefit not only of being jargon-free, but also of being easily digestible it ran to around 250 pages and was broken up into small sections, none of which was longer than three pages.


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