Hewlett-Packard ( HPQ - news - people ), whose board split over the departure of former CEO Mark Hurd, has now recruited five executives to its board with industry expertise but also with business ties to the new CEO, Leo Apotheker.
This is more obvious with leisure travelers but it also applies to business travel, at least for meeting, conference and convention planners, or any other decision makers involved in off-site events.
These environments are not only stimulating, inspiring, and fun, but also lead to new business development and collaborations, as well as increased levels of productivity and income as a result of being part of an expanding business network.
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These actions not only helped them to overcome their fears, but also helped them to develop their business concept and value proposition.
The new Honeywell could be well placed not only to win more of this business, but also to mop up a few rivals.
But the only way we do it is if the American people insist on a different approach and say to their elected officials, we expect you to act reasonably, and we don't expect you to get your way a hundred percent of the time, and we expect you to have strong convictions, but we also expect you to manage the business of the people.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to Town Hall Meeting at University of Maryland | The White House
Investors, therefore, seem not only to expect no returns from the firm's fashion-peddling business, but also to believe that its shares are worth less than the cash in its vault.
Not only are you buying into a brand, its quality reputation and a way of running the business, but you also receive the training and support to run the business.
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Mr Nenshi ran on a centrist platform that included affordable housing and better public transport, but also promised to cut red tape for business.
He not only worked hard here at home but also spearheaded efforts to increase our overseas business, making numerous trips to Japan and elsewhere with my brother Kip.
They not only help fill the capital void but also often give startups access to the business expertise in manufacturing and distribution to take a small company to scale.
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Clearly most of us would be but the astonishing history of News Corp is not just the criminality at the News of the World but also its ability to err as a business, on such a scale.
Not only is this a model for other entertainment brands but also for any business that wants to fuel growth by hosting the most popular online community in its market, a place where all stakeholders benefit from sharing, collaborating and recruiting new members.
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But at the same time, that desire to ask bigger and better questions is also on the rise in the US, according to the author Warren Berger, who has been tracking a movement toward questioning that is running very strong in Silicon Valley, but also seems to be spreading throughout the business, nonprofit and education sectors, according to Berger.
Bill Gates's software firm is not only facing a host of legal challenges to the way it does business, but is also confronted by a formidable alliance of competitors who are out to end the Windows monopoly of the desktop operating system.
Hiring employees is one of the most important decisions that business owners and entrepreneurs make, but it also can prove to be among the most challenging tasks you face as a business owner.
But the judges believe that the festival not only points to new ways of filmmaking and distribution, but also new business models.
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Boeing's 787 Dreamliner but also to a broad array of new generation business jets, helicopters and robotics serving commercial purpose look winners.
The head of CI, for example, should report to a seriously high level, and the team should always staff with deep experience not only in classic CI skills but also the ability to effectively work across the business.
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While Intel is unique in the industry in that much of its marketing simply seeks to promote computing, in the case of Hadoop, Intel is trying to achieve that but also make a business out of its distribution as well.
To understand which applications might be the right choice, you have to understand the questions you want to answer to help your business but also the fundamental model of the world that is at the center of the applications you are considering.
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Vision gives robots the power not only to do more in factories, but also to spread into other industries, such as the food and drinks business, which struggles to find people to do lots of boring, repetitive and unpleasant jobs.
But I want to emphasize that Homestar will also create business and spur hiring up and down the economy.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on Jobs, Energy & Strengthening the Economy | The White House
But is it important for business schools to also strive for professional diversity?
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The impact will not only be visible in the box office business, but also percolate down to DVD and licensing sales.
Shell benefited and was dependent on social stability, but also realized it was in its business interest to contribute to that stability and prosperity.
FORBES: Part I in a CSR Series: Corporate Citizenship in a Global Economy
Answer them directly and they will not only be grateful for your answer, but also pleased that your business took the time to reach out.
But I also want to speak on behalf of small business, because small business has been used as an argument against this bill and I find it very hard to understand.
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But we also have to recognize that sometimes a profitable business may have, shall we say, unpleasant effects on neighboring communities, and when that happens we take steps to address that.
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