But, by contrast, he had the great luxury of infinite time to think.
Credit-default swaps are vilified, by contrast, but they serve a valuable function.
ECONOMIST: The contract between society and banks will get stricter
The physics prize, by contrast, has nothing but feel-good about it.
By way of contrast, the foreign brands grew by a still impressive, but a significantly lower, 39%.
Something like stock-car racing, by contrast, is dangerous, but not unavoidably so.
Mr Gration, by contrast, favours a wary but active engagement with Sudan's government in the hope that it will be more co-operative and less brutal in Darfur and the south.
By the latest figures, in contrast, the numbers of people living in Britain but born in Poland actually rose by an average of more than 60, 000 a year between 2003 and 2010 - a sevenfold increase from 75, 000 to 520, 000.
House prices, by contrast, are still weak, but have fallen only 1.2% since January 2009.
By contrast, Israel has traditionally had but one powerful friend: the United States.
Mr. Modi, by contrast, is adored by his supporters but reviled by his opponents.
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Mario Monti, by contrast, may be a budding septuagenarian but has shown he is his own man and happy to embrace fresh thinking.
But I just want to contrast this with the frame used by my friend Jim Manzi.
By contrast, France scored 75 on adequacy, but only 30 on sustainability.
Many of the more exotic asset-backed securities, by contrast, are based not on earned-but-uncollected cash, such as monthly mortgage payments, but on forecasts of future earnings.
By contrast, Emmanuel Carraud emerged not from a lab but from Cambridge's relatively new Judge Business School.
Dan O'Shaughnessy, by contrast, may not have the smoothest technique, but he still belongs in the swiftest boat.
ECONOMIST: Can voguish management theory help to win a venerable race?
By contrast Berlin, described by Mayor Klaus Wowereit as poor but sexy, was the tech hub that happened despite state support, and continues to grow organically.
By contrast the ETF has declined on only 34 days, but the average down volume on those days was far higher at 278.4 million shares, 61% higher.
By contrast, Mr Long's Mac comes across as mildly but increasingly smug and irritating.
By contrast, outdoors is associated not only with sports and nature but also with movement, activity, and high energy.
By contrast, tax increases are backed by 60 percent of Democrats but only half as many Republicans and 40 percent of independents.
The problem of the European Union, by contrast, is not the over-assertion of state power but the abdication of it without a suitable replacement.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Charles Hill: The Empire Strikes Back
Vivendi, by contrast, boasts not only the largest market share in music but, in the third quarter, in films too: its box-office takings were up 93% on the same period of 2000.
Lampe, by contrast, acknowledged the company's responsibility to fix the problem but at the same time stood behind the tires.
By contrast, Mr Eisner's flaw (he has plenty, but this is the one his biographer points to as his downfall) is his meanness.
By contrast, in Germany 48 percent said starting a company was hard, but 44 percent said it was not.
But what his followers do and what Sadr says are often in stark contrast, whether by design or by a failure of leadership.
By contrast, fans of the National Football League, which attracts a larger but more general audience, are only 36% more likely to opt for a sponsor's product.
Today, by contrast, individual countries may pass laws like the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act but the overarching strategy that drives anticorruption must be multi-national in the truest sense.
By contrast telephone consultations were found to be 71% accurate in diagnosis, but the specialists said they would still need to see three quarters of those patients at their clinics.