• Team Philips is trying to find a company to salvage the catamaran, but it could be a costly exercise if unofficial salvage teams get there first.

    BBC: Catamaran crew reach dry land

  • "Market concerns about sustainability remain subdued in the United States, but a further delay of action could be fiscally costly, with deficit increases exacerbated by rising yields, " it said.

    BBC: US must tackle government deficit, says IMF report

  • Some of these rules make sense on their own terms (who could be against swift customs clearance or transparent government procurement?) but they would be costly for poor countries to implement and monitor.

    ECONOMIST: The Mexican marathon

  • You'd have to be covered against catastrophically costly conditions but could choose to buy additional insurance or pay out of pocket for everyday medical needs.

    WSJ: ObamaCare's Heritage

  • But one thing evident from their research: Such therapeutic cloning could be a very expensive treatment, more costly than even the priciest drugs.

    FORBES: Cloning's High Cost

  • But the fix has yet to be publicly demonstrated, and even if it does work, it could be costly, inefficient and still result in service blackouts.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

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