The cow seemed to be trying to go downhill but for some reason it could not.
They really should have come up with a better name, but for some reason defective stuck.
But for some reason, those engine burns never happened, and Phobos-Grunt has continued to circle the Earth.
Black is like a great lover whose attraction palls over time but for some reason one cannot quite shake.
He might have added that willingness is often a function of wages, but for some reason he did not.
But for some reason, the sign-on-the-dotted-line part of her job search escaped her.
FORBES: People Only Take You As Seriously As You Take Yourself
But for some reason, the vast majority of the more than two dozen such groups that exist are conservative.
This is very obvious, but for some reason nobody wants to acknowledge it.
FORBES: Let's 'Clean Sheet' Our Failed Approach To Entitlements
One woman came forward but for some reason - the exact circumstances are unclear - the arrangement quickly fell apart.
But for some reason women are expected to tackle all this on their own, as if it were a personal problem.
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Children with autism struggle with communicating with adults and with other children, but for some reason they engage with these robots.
It makes for a great game, but for some reason, old point and click Skyrim is so much more engaging.
These are the 30% of the electorate who have some higher education but for some reason or another have failed to graduate.
The taxi situation is totally ridiculous but for some reason people just accept this as part of the way our transportation system works.
But for some reason, some Republicans in Congress are still waging an all-out battle to delay, defund and dismantle these commonsense new rules.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Congress Should Keep America Moving Forward | The White House
If a person usually goes to the toilet four times a night, but for some reason only goes once, this could mean something.
But for some reason Americans seem to have much more trouble saving for retirement than do Germans, Chinese, Japanese and citizens of many other countries.
It was written by Karen Roebuck and Joe Starkey and published on June 16, 2006, but for some reason the article was no longer accessible.
But for some reason, the where of happiness is rarely considered.
There are a lot of other countries who have the technical capacity, but for some reason, they are able to get right with the international community.
But for some reason, in our culture, we seem to avoid the obvious truth that there are also things we can do to improve our intelligence.
According to the laws of nature, every species should seek to multiply and expand, but for some reason this one appeared to aspire to wipe itself out.
It would be pipatum, the noise made by Catullus's girlfriend's sparrow, but for some reason the Vatican insists on using a periphrastic construction of three long words.
But for some reason, it worked without my understanding why.
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"We knew we had a performance like that in us but for some reason we had not put it together in our four previous matches, " said the Irish captain.
These provide access to the central bore of the well underneath most of the heavy valves which should have closed off the flow of oil, but for some reason did not.
But for some reason, there is always a face.
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