Noel Vidaurre, the Conservative party chairman, took over the candidacy, but he resigned last week.
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But he resigned in 2001 when they failed to qualify for the final of the 2002 World Cup in South Korea and Japan.
CNN: Van Gaal returns for second spell as Dutch national coach
Morsi was the candidate of the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party, but he resigned from the party shortly after he was elected president.
Rijkaard, 40, was coach of the Dutch national team for two years, but he resigned after the semi-final defeat by Italy in Euro 2000.
But he resigned the following year after being seen walking into a pub with a lit cigar, after smoking in public places had been banned.
BBC: Rhodri Glyn Thomas Plaid Cymru AM to stand down in 2016
But he resigned from the committee in 1999, citing conflicts of interest after a scandal erupted when his private jets were used to fly International Olympic Committee members.
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Mr Mitchell has repeatedly denied claims, first reported in the Sun, that he swore and called police officers 'plebs' but he later resigned as chief whip.
Coulson said he knew nothing about the hacking but resigned because he was editor of the paper at the time.
But even before he resigned in 2006, the system was reasserting itself.
Rabois denied the charges, but resigned saying he wanted to avoid a distraction for Square.
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From 2006 to 2011, he lagged the market in all but one year, and in 2012 he resigned as manager of that fund.
But he says he has not resigned and intends to continue with the Welsh language broadcaster until next spring.
Mr. Nasheed, who became the Maldives' first democratically elected president in 2008, was ousted in February last year, but the current government says he resigned.
In 1987, a year after the scandal had broken, he resigned, but was spared the ignominy of even a trial, let alone a conviction, when George Bush senior gave him a presidential pardon shortly before leaving office.
During a phone-in on LBC Radio on Wednesday, Lib Dem leader and Deputy Prime Minister Mr Clegg admitted that concerns over Lord Rennard's behaviour had been "in the background" when he resigned, but added that he had heard no concrete allegations until last week.
BBC: Lord Rennard claims: Peer reprimanded over telephone call
After his stint as prime minister from 1996 to 1999, he served in the Cabinet of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, then Likud Party leader, but resigned in 2005, saying he disagreed with Sharon's plan to remove Israeli troops and settlements from Gaza.
It had been believed that ex-England batting coach Maynard would be offered another role, but he told the BBC he had resigned.
BBC: Matthew Maynard resigns because of 'untenable' position
Mr Robinson, whose business affairs have long been the subject of controversy, founded Transtec in the early 1980s but resigned as chairman when he joined the government in 1997.
But Kennan resigned out of pique when he felt Kennedy had crossed him up by signing a trade bill that stigmatized Yugoslavia.
Mekki said he resigned last month, but stayed on because he had to tend to a number of important issues, including the controversy over the new constitution, according to his resignation letter published by the state-run MENA news agency.
He said there had been a media "feeding frenzy" after he resigned in which all sorts of things were laid at his door but he denied giving "attack briefings" against individuals.
Mr Coulson denied any knowledge of phone hacking but resigned saying, as editor, he took "ultimate responsibility".
But he personally saw partition as a failure and resigned as leader of the Ulster Unionists in 1921.
He was re-elected in November but resigned a few weeks later.
Mr. Michaels couldn't be reached for comment but told a Chicago Tribune reporter that he hadn't resigned.
He resigned as prime minister in 1974, but remained immensely popular even after he was convicted, and never went to jail.
He remained with the company following the 2010 buyout, but resigned later that year, to be replaced internally.
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Mr Tandjung may have been arrested by the attorney-general's office, but he has not been removed from his post, nor has he resigned.
Huhne did not admit to the offence in the calls but on Monday he pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice and resigned as an MP.
BBC: Vicky Pryce-Chris Huhne phone call transcripts released