"He may still be hanging out for one of Aidan's (O'Brien), I don't know, but I couldn't hang about, " said Tompkins.
"I tried to open the door, but I couldn't, so I gave it a few kicks, " he said.
"Colin Nish was a name that was put to me straightaway when I came in but I couldn't decide because I hadn't seen the player, " said Paatelainen.
He doesn't speak a word of Spanish and prefers country music, but I couldn't love him more.
"I had run a 20K but I couldn't tell the difference between a kilometer and a mile -- I thought I had done 20 miles so I thought I could do the other six quite easily, " he said.
Both my parents were Chinese, but I couldn't understand a word these relatives were saying growing up in California, I was so determined to be American that I refused to attend Chinese language school, and I didn't pick it up from my parents' conversations.
WSJ: Tess Gerritsen on Taking Her Mother's Ashes to China | Traveler's Tale
It was a dissonant, modern sound that I liked, but I couldn't detect anybody singing.
So what I said was let's keep them to a minimum, but I couldn't excise them all.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions at GOP House Issues Conference | The White House
But I couldn't do my face so I used to have a white face and brown legs.
We taped it and I tried to continue, but I couldn't even stand there on my return.
But I couldn't help the nagging feeling that her birthmark would always enter the room before she did.
But I couldn't tell you why they were up on the roof of a church in a hurricane.
Mixed-race yes, but I couldn't fathom that my race could make me the "wrong kind of girl" for anyone.
But I couldn't really blame him or others who are afraid to talk.
But I couldn't access my Bank of America account online and had to call collect to cancel my debit card.
But I couldn't tell you when the last time he got an update on it was or the situation there.
The fund has one strike against it--a steep expense ratio (1.6% a year)--but I couldn't find a cheap alternative from Vanguard.
"I was offered a role a year last August, but I couldn't do it because of preparations for Johnny English, " he said.
"While I was putting the bandage on... he tried to say something but I couldn't understand what he was saying, " she said.
But I couldn't always be there, and not everyone respected my happiness.
"But I couldn't hold myself back: I had to go in, it was my daughter, " says Tarannum, wiping her tears with her sari.
It's too early to tell, said Maris, but I couldn't help asking the obvious question: how will third parties make money off of Glass?
And because I was trying to follow up a document I'd been leaked on the African position but I couldn't find the man from Lesotho who'd written it.
The right and correct thing was to see who else was available but I couldn't see anything better than Tony and that's why we decided he was the man to go for.
Ideally, I'd like the top cover LCD to always be on so that a thumbnail of my wallpaper and the time would always be bright, but I couldn't find anything in the options menus to do so.