But I know for sure that most of us do want to trust our co-workers, friends, and institutions.
But what I know for sure, what I can tell you that your President is doing since the day he took office, Barack has been fighting for us.
But one thing I know for sure -- since he took office, Barack has been fighting for us.
But what I do know for sure is that by subsidizing the marriage of Bear Stearns and JP Morgan, the government has removed some of the loss from the profit and loss system.
But here is what I know for sure.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at a Campaign Event -- Reno, NV
Dr. NIEDERDEPPE: Well, I think - we don't know for sure, but I think there are at least three things that may be going on here.
But here's what I know for sure: Since the day he took office, Barack has been fighting for us.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at a Campaign Event -- Seattle, WA
I'm pretty sure I didn't hit anybody, but I'm not gonna say that because I don't know for sure.
But seeing their bill and our bill, I know one thing for sure -- we'll have a great bill when we put them together.
"I know for sure that one detainee was hit but the injuries were minor, just some bruises, " Julian said.
"I know for sure that one detainee was hit but the injuries were minor, just some bruises, " another spokesman, Col Greg Julian, told the Associated Press.
"I don't know whether it has caught me out but, for sure, experience is always an advantage, " said Hamilton.
Ms. SOFIA TOITEE (Shopkeeper, Saint-Denis): (Through translator) It's better now for sure, but for how long I don't know.
No, I'm not sure he is under house arrest, but you know all officials are not to leave the country for the moment.