' You can say, 'I still believe in my principles, but I love you.
"I don't really know what else to say, but I know we have our differences, but I will always love you unconditionally, " he wrote at the end.
But I just wanted to say I love you and goodnight and I'll be ok tonight.
And dear readers, you know I love you but for future reference, if you want to show your support for me, a quick comment below or a nice email will do.
This event is important to me not only because I love and believe in this film, but also because I deeply love and believe in all of you.
WHITEHOUSE: Interactive Film Workshop for Students: Beasts of the Southern Wild | The White House
And let me tell you -- I love you, too -- but let me explain something to all the fellas, because I want you to know what it takes.
Ms. IVEREM: I think she may have the edge only because of the Golden Globe already, and there is this buzz that's building around her nomination that I don't hear for the other actresses, and maybe my hearing is subjective and - but you know, the thing I love about the nomination is that, you know, she's had a chance to, you know, show who she really is as an actress.
"I love you but there is something I need to tell you, " she said.
WSJ: How to Talk to Your Spouse About Improving Your Sex Life
Daddy, I love you, but give me Central Park West.
FORBES: The New American Gothic: Russian Billionaires on the Upper West Side
Tiger parents may not often say "I love you, " but actions speak louder than words.
Ms. STATON: (Singing) But how much love do you think I can lose in one day?
' (Laughs) But you have to enjoy it, you have to love it, and I happen to really love it.
Corey, you know, to me, I love K-dub, but this sounds like classic white male indignation, you know, run amok, and that if he tries this when he goes to see - I don't know - if he goes to see "Iron Man 3" and he tries this, it's going to be a whole different set of circumstances.
"I would love to say that I'd be able to but with the injury that I've had you have to give it a certain amount of rest, " he conceded.
Call me a hopeless romantic if you wish, but I am wholeheartedly in love with the blues.
But I will never forget the kindness and warmth and love that you all showed me and my family, especially our girls.
But also I would think a testament to your love of music that you're still here and doing it after four decades.
This post is a bit of a departure from privacy issues, but as you know, I like writing about memes and I love writing about Facebook.
But let me tell you, one of the many things that I love about campaigning is I get to talk about the man I have loved and admired since we met 23 years ago. (Applause.) And I am proud of my husband.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at a Campaign Event -- Sterling, VA
But I don't know, like, once you get a good dose of love and somebody come and they talk to you and kind of pamper you back to wellness, it's all worth the ride.
You can read a lot more comments from our discussion but I think you get the idea: our BrainTrust panel of experts and our regular readers love Aldi.
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But and, within the - people who love music, I mean, basically, it almost seems like you come out with a top 25 list.
Diesel advocates love to push the cost-of-ownership pencil, but I'm here to tell you, in the case of the Cayenne Diesel, the economics are horrible and unsubtle.
WSJ: 2013 Porsche Cayenne Diesel Review: Only Geeks Need Apply | Rumble Seat by Dan Neil
But it's being presented to you in a whole different fashion, and that's what I really love about cover songs, is their ability to have that kind of balance.
And let me tell you something, all of that I just talked about, I love him for that, but I really -- what really made me fall in love with my husband all those years ago, it was his character.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at a Campaign Event -- Hampton, VA