You know, I want to do everything I possibly can for my own child, but I think, you know, that there's this loss of the value of learning those lessons from failure, and I think it's just getting worse, and it definitely worries me.
As a young man I thought I knew everything, and as a middle-aged man I still think I know everything but have allowed myself some subtle U-turns on things I once believed to be universal truths.
But I think, you know, the kids eventually might see just I think what I noticed, this family, the children, who are there's two teenage girls and an eight-year-old boy, especially the teenagers, they noticed that their mother was stressed, that she was stressed by this issue.
They are not part of the ongoing court action, and I don't want to mislead you on that, but I certainty want you to know that I think that they're serious allegations.
CNN: Transcript: Gore talks with reporters outside the White House
How this particular product fits into his business model I don't know, but I think we're all better people because of it.
We have got to do a lot of work on Friday to make sure our car is good in the cold conditions but I think we know what we are doing.
But I think we know what to do.
CNN: Clinton's October 9, 2007 speech on retirement security
But seriously, I think you know about this -- the top campaign officials from both sides have traditionally gotten together and had a discussion about what transpired at the campaign strategy level, so that -- I'm sure we'll all take an interest in seeing that.
Dr. NIEDERDEPPE: Well, I think - we don't know for sure, but I think there are at least three things that may be going on here.
But we don't know everything, but I think we can focus on the things that we do know about not smoking, about eating fruits and vegetables and about exercising regularly.
But I don't know - again, I think what works about this is that they're the ones who really know what's different about the two of them.
I'm doubting she'll go into a lot of detail, but I think that, you know, in time we will hear from these women what happened and some of it will make a little bit more sense.
Now, it doesn't stick as good as a climbing foot or a shoe, a human foot would, but I think, you know, in that respect, my calves don't get tired on that side and I - my wife says it's completely aid climbing, which she says it's cheating.
So I think you know, I think people are beginning to see sense but it's, it's, you know what it's like in London, I mean in New York, you know you've got one Mayor who's got huge power and can bulldoze things through, it's much more difficult here.
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Interview with Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber
But I think, at this point, I know the pros and the cons of both.
But I know, as I think you do, that our country is strongest when we lead the world, when we lead strong alliances.
"I don't know much about Denmark, but I think we need to look at systems like theirs, " he said, advocating more funding of training programs.
But I think we all know that playing Boston now, we have to step it up a little more.
But I think, you know, "SNL" has had a blind spot on the issue of racial comedy and comedians for years.
But I think, you know, it's been totally commodified to highest bidder.
'I don't know if you remember me, but I think I gave you something that's very precious to me, ' and he says, 'Was it a ring?
"I don't know when I will get married but I think after eight years maybe, after completing my education and being established in the society, " she says.
Mr. MILLER: I'm no neuroscientist, but I think that as time goes on, you know, something that people tell us about that music is that you know, when I hear those songs, I can see what I saw and hear what I heard and feel what I felt when I first heard them.
"I don't really know what he's thinking but I think something can be done, " said Eoin Bradley.
"I don't know who's buried here, but I think there are bodies, " Dostie says as he praises his dog.
But I think that if it's just, you know, 100 people, 150 people, I think the court would say the way to handle that is individually case by case, and it doesn't make the law unconstitutional as a whole.
"I don't know what they do, but I don't think I'm too bad, " Guan said.
But also, I think, people will think, well, I know lots of wealthy women of color and I know lots of poor white women.
But I think he, you know, what he repeated to me was that he felt that his mission wasn't even close to being done.