But luckily for the larger whale, the nearby orcas were Northern Residents that eat fish, not other whales.
Johnson beat Opdal but luckily for the Brann goalkeeper the post did his work for him.
BBC: Andrew Johnson and Yakubu celebrate Everton's first goal
We had trouble playing the video, but luckily we had used Call Recorder during our Skype session.
Solid snow drifts were between 6ft and 8ft high but luckily we had just stocked up with provisions.
Disclosure standards and rules are often laughable, but luckily you can glean important information from companies' own websites.
It's something I couldn't even dream would ever happen but luckily it has.
Had some flames come in the cockpit, but luckily I was all right and could get out of the car quick.
But luckily she doesn't know how much pressure is on her to win -- we're the ones who feel it, not her.
The Speyside countryside is almost enough to distract you from sampling the Scotch, but luckily, at Glen Grant, you can enjoy both.
If you want, as mentioned before, there's even an audio-only mode should you find yourself up a mountain without your Dictaphone, but luckily we didn't.
ENGADGET: Veho Muvi HD 'NPNG' Edition action camera impressions (video)
But luckily for patients and drug companies alike, the data supporting a link between the impotence drug and a loss of sight are weak at best.
But luckily for fans looking forward to a tense finish on the weekend, Davis and the USGA have set up the final few holes for some excitement.
Modern glass high rises occasionally demonstrate that Kiev reached the 21st Century, but luckily not often enough to forget that you are in the cradle of Slavic culture.
We didn't really get to see the Plair in action when we last saw it at CES, but luckily, it's here with us at Expand 2013!
But luckily, two weeks later, I had to go to the doctor for routine physical and there, the doctor felt the lump and suggested that I receive a biopsy.
The last part of the process will be my interview with the sheriff, which makes me a little nervous, but luckily, I have already met him on previous occasions.
When it happened I thought, that's me, that's my time, but luckily I've got strong legs anyway, and if that was anyone else, their leg would have snapped in two.
The base was too large to fit into the hole for the old vase, but luckily Mr. Snook, 72 years old, is the owner of a small tool and die business.
Generations of immigrants have faced similar challenges, but luckily Alaa found a public-private partnership that helps people like him gain financial stability: the San Diego International Rescue Committee (IRC) Financial Opportunity Center.
Then next ball he pitched one up that swung in and looped up off the bat to a nearby fielder, but luckily for the England captain no contact was made with the inside edge.
Unfortunately for Harry, Engadget Mobile will continue to refer to Nokia's products as phones, cellphones, or perhaps even telephones, but luckily a little program called Greasemonkey should enable him to continue reading the site while remaining blissfully phone-free.
But luckily, Sierk, the interim CEO, seems the man for the job. (Click here to see if you have the right stuff to be Iomega's permanent boss.) With years of operational experience at Xerox and AlliedSignal under his belt, he is moving quickly to plug the leaks.
But, luckily for Mr Blair, his resignation speech was delivered on the day before the great debate.
No sexual content. (We all know the difference between a snowman and a snow-woman, but, luckily, they never make an appearance.) Rated PG. 95 minutes.
But Baraa is luckily not alone.
CNN: 'Innocence' survives 11 hours under bomb rubble in Syria