Another 15% were said to be in full-time, long-term jobs in which a law degree is preferred but not required.
Quantock said Iraqi witnesses were preferred, but not required.
You must get permits where required, but are not required to use licensed engineers or architects.
The Supreme Court has held that scienter the intent to defraud is required under section 10b of the Securities and Exchange Act and Rule 10b-5, but is not required under 17(a)(2) and 17(a)(3).
Some 70% of processed foods in Canada now have transgenic ingredients, but are not required to be labelled to show this.
Forming an exploratory committee is an initial -- but not a required step -- in running for president or any federal office.
They were compared to patients who were healthy, and others who had suffered from leukaemia - but had not required a bone marrow transplant.
When two or more people start a company together, it's wise (but not legally required) for them to craft a written, carefully thought- out partnership agreement.
Overall we liked it, so if you're looking for another 3D viewing option and are a fan of the original, it's worthwhile, but probably not required viewing.
But leadership is not required to make a reform plan, only to implement it.
"There is sufficient milk powder available (in the Netherlands), but not always the required brand, " she added.
BBC: Dutch government to probe export of milk formula to China
She had to move clothes... but she was not required to lift or carry anything of substance.
In the flawed program, companies can low-ball the bids but then not be required to follow through and provide the products they bid on.
FORBES: Washington Is Tightening Its Grip On Medical Decision-making
But humility is not required of fighter pilots and astronauts.
Expenses associated with a personal residence, aside from mortgage interest and real estate taxes, are not deductible, but the taxpayer is also not required to report the rental income.
FORBES: Tax Lesson Of The Day: No Good Can Come From Letting Your In-Laws Mooch Off Of You
Most churches do but they are not actually required to, more proof church status is the gold standard.
The OTC lists a couple of thousand companies which are of interest to institutional investor, but since they are not required to file anything with the SEC, it is difficult to get data about them, said David A. Frankel, chief marketing officer of EDGAR Online.
FORBES: Top OTC Firms, Including ADRs, Gain Market Visibility
But such capital outlays will be required not just to meet the expected upswing in power demand but also to satisfy utility regulators at both the national and state levels.
He said that the solutions were "not obvious" but required a debate over subjects that some politicians considered taboo.
He said staffing was well below the 270 full time posts required but could not say by how much.
Despite Hercules being in the debt business, we believe strongly that a balance between debt and equity is not only prudent but required.
FORBES: Back to the Future: How To Fund A 21st Century Startup
The situation was not irretrievable, but required swift action, he added.
An employer must comply with wage and hour laws, nondiscrimination, the provision of benefits, and other employment laws covering its employees, but in most cases is not required to do so for independent contractors.
FORBES: Some Control Won't Convert Independent Contractors To Employees
On Tuesday its spin machine was working hard to send the message that it didn't need to raise capital but could if it wanted to, and it might do just that, but not because more capital was required.
Given how prolonged some of these conversations have to be, many people argue that the key problem has been the financial incentives: we pay doctors to give chemotherapy and to do surgery, but not to take the time required to sort out when doing so is unwise.
Those with the worst deficits were German companies, but for good reason: German firms are not required to set aside money to cover their pension-fund liabilities but do have to carry the cost on their balance sheets.
It requires large companies with considerable resources to do the amount of research and development required not just for developing the products but also for getting all of the data required for regulation and there is a different regulatory regime in the USA, in Europe, in Japan, in Australia whatever.