Mr Davies' daughter Bonnie said he was "battered and bruised" but not seriously hurt.
He decided to make Joe the company hero, but not seriously of course.
The driver of the livery cab, Pedro Nunez Delacruz, was knocked unconscious but was not seriously hurt.
Two officers who were also in the police vehicle were both hurt but were not seriously injured.
Officers said one other person had been hurt in the collision but they were not seriously injured and were described as "walking wounded".
Lamarr and Antheil offered their idea to America's armed forces, but it was not taken seriously.
But you're not seriously suggesting that you can halve the deficit on the basis of the tax rises that you have already announced?
"You just grow as thick a skin as you possibly can, and you try to take criticism seriously but not personally, " she said.
Alright manufacturers, we're totally down with throwing in a bit of draft-N love or even a free FM radio, but seriously, why not activate the goods (without some controversial fee) before shipping these things out?
Thankfully, he was not seriously injured, but he has been left very shaken as a result.
But would he not get taken more seriously if he campaigned in normal clothes instead of an Elvis jumpsuit?
It said the victim involved "was seriously injured, but not dead" and included an update on his condition later in the day.
The trial had previously heard Miss Lewis admit she left Lloyd mistreat Aaron because she feared for her own safety, but she did not think he would seriously hurt the baby.
BBC: Rebecca Lewis accepted she had a duty to protect her son
There were those who suspected that its extraordinarily long spire was intended solely to make it the tallest building in the world, but nobody has ever seriously suggested not counting it.
Two medical websites, Medical News Today and WebMD, not only took the story seriously, but also bought into the explanation that the effect is caused by flavanols, which are found not just in cocoa, but also in red wine and green tea.
Now I happen to not take global warming seriously but grant Wired its own opinion on the subject.
One of the injured was treated for a broken leg, but emergency responders said the others were not seriously hurt.
CNN: 2 killed as helicopter crashes into crane in central London
The report said that the cat discovery led scientists to take the threat posed to humans much more seriously, but this was not adequately communicated to the public.
We would not run the story -- but not because we didn't take this seriously.
Jose Basulto, founder of Brothers to the Rescue, said Friday on "CBS This Morning" that the group is taking the U.S. warning seriously, but that it could not be responsible for the actions of individual participants.
The version of the bill that Declan McCullagh excerpts in his report appears to be one of many that have been drafted and passed around, but is not a version that would be considered seriously at a hearing to review the bill next week.
FORBES: Report Claiming Senator Leahy Is About To Make Email Privacy Even Worse Is Flawed
But hey, let's not take this too seriously for now -- all this could turn out to be just a much belated April Fools' prank, right?
ENGADGET: iPod touch prototype with capacitive home button leaked?
"A lot of them at the moment are simply circling around the families, assessing them and prodding them, but we are not getting in... and seriously changing the families for the next generation of children, " she told BBC News.
BBC: Louise Casey calls for new approach on 'troubled families'
Rep. Mike Burgess (R-TX) told IHP last month that several House Republicans have discussed the per capita idea and he believes it is a proposal that could gain traction, but he said he did not know if it was seriously being considered.
FORBES: Why Block-Granting Medicaid Will Result in Better Health Care for the Poor
America's great and good were also represented by Al Gore, fired up by the result of the presidential election and enthusing about the possibility of ending the use of fossil fuels in America, but still worrying that people are not taking global warming seriously enough.
Stewart -- like Theron -- carries off a serviceable English accent and mostly refrains from those irritating Bella-isms, but it's not so easy to take her seriously as the messianic resistance leader that Sanders seems to have in mind (you get the feeling the director thinks he's auditioning for the next "Narnia" movie, or even Middle Earth).