He was an amateur bee keeper but now does it on a more commercial basis.
Going to America used to be a dream, he continues, but now, he figures, why bother?
But now she was facing the prospect of chemotherapy alongside a high-profile legal battle.
It's taken some time to put words to her feelings, but now she is ready to talk.
Then he sprayed cans of beer around, but now he's also learnt how to work the crowd.
But now, precisely because most money never exists in physical form, it acquires a detailed history.
But now, the Obama campaign says it was not a pledge, just an option.
But now there are fears that this aspect of Singapore's culinary heritage is on the wane.
But now, global warming threatens to wipe their island from the face of the earth.
But now they're calling it a royalty but it's really a gate to keep people out.
WHITEHOUSE: "White House to Main Street" Town Hall: Elyria, OH
But now is the time to stand up and show your support for marriage equality.
That decision was his two summers ago, but now it is out of his hands.
But now I can really hear the foghorns of the ships on the river.
It has never been much fun, he reflects, but now it seems particularly burdensome.
That loyalty provided for a good paying job, but now it offers the prospect of prison.
But now Reveille will test its hit-making chops with an original series, not an import.
But now we are in emotional territory and these charts map the emotions out.
Prices are still in a two-month-old downtrend on the daily bar chart, but now just barely.
FORBES: Comex Gold Trades Solidly Higher on Bargain Hunting, Short Covering
Prices are in a 10-week-old downtrend on the daily bar chart, but now just barely.
FORBES: Comex Gold Trades Solidly Higher on Bargain Hunting, Short Covering
But now a leading architect says the era of super skyscrapers could be over.
You used up one empty house, but now you have a rental that's empty.
But now there are indications that humorlessness is an affliction that strikes religious fundamentalists across cultures.
FORBES: Dr. Pepper Ad Stirs the Mother of Evolution Battles on Facebook
But now they pray to God that they don't face us in the early rounds.
But now K-pop has South Korea punching way above its weight in the global music business.
She was inoculated as a child, but now believes in holistic and natural childcare.
But now his latest marriage has hit the rocks, and a divorce is in the works.
But now tenants are willing to pay for what used to be done out of thrift.
FORBES: What San Francisco Real Estate Tells Us About This Technology Boom
But now that I have stirred the pot a little, all is not lost.
But now the Bush Administration is considering boosting this mandate to 60 billion gallons by 2030.
But now, a decade later, President Barack Obama is not answering their calls for help.