But now she was facing the prospect of chemotherapy alongside a high-profile legal battle.
It's taken some time to put words to her feelings, but now she is ready to talk.
But now she's thinking she'll just give away all her charitable money in her lifetime.
Niamh used to be a keen sportswoman, but now she finds it difficult to walk quickly.
But now she's afraid to move back to her home village on the border.
But now she's recognized on the street, with strangers thanking her for giving them hope.
But now she appears as a relief pitcher in the big game, and the Democrats say she is throwing spitballs.
But now she plops down on the couch beside me, her laptop open.
But now she's here, she says she worries about the impact of tourism.
But now she decided to skip her post-class musing-on-the-mats routine, head straight for the Serenity Posse II meeting on Amsterdam.
But now she sees I am welcome and respected and she is so happy to have me back in her life.
"She's done a fabulous job of researching Native fashion's roots, but now she's taking it into the 21st century, " Tisdale said.
She used to spend a few hours a day on it, but now she says she writes for no more than an hour.
When I first got Mindy it was pretty hard because she didn't listen to me, but now she does and she knows a lot of commands.
Kusum, 14, another girl from Jharkhand says she used to "live carelessly with torn and dirty clothes" but now she has learned how to stay clean.
She said she used to remove herself from situations, such as family cookouts, because she wasn't comfortable with her size, but now she's a lot more involved.
But now she was, and Greg, who often shared about what he called his terror runs, appeared to be planning one, the way some people contemplate a Berkshires getaway.
She didn't go back to the African country before turning 18, but now she returns three or four times a year to visit her mother and oversee the progress of the foundation's projects.
So Louise will come away from this and tick a couple of boxes, but now she has to switch her focus going into this next winter training phase and pick another couple of events to focus on.
It had come as a surprise to her, those first few weeks: the reason she had joined the group had been to make new friends, but now she was grateful that nobody here wanted to do anything but gather at the appointed time, ring the bells, and go home.
She could find that place if she needed to, but for now she just lightened her grip on the steering wheel, then stared in contemplation at the recessed Chrysler logo at its center, as if it were some sort of ancient mandala-like emblem.
The UK Independence Party's candidate, Diane James, said she was "still aiming for first", but now believed she was "guaranteed" second place.
She hopes the "Three Paths to Peace" is performed again, but right now she's still buzzing from its debut.
But now, she said, she's taking a look at the only woman who is on a presidential ticket.
But for now she is sticking with them because they lead to about ten sales a month, enough to cover costs.