But it is true too that DeLay "has sharpened the issue, " says Peter King of New York, the leading Republican proponent of censure.
After hearing from CNN's Anderson Cooper that Southwest Airlines offered her and nine others an all-expense-paid trip to Southern California to go to Disneyland, she described it as "awesome" but seemingly too good to be true.
It sounds like a brilliant marketing move for the Windows distributor to make, but is it too good to be true?
That may be true, too, but the fundamental thing that enables that is communication.
But that was true of James Mason too, so that doesn't worry me.
But was it simply too good to be true?
WSJ: Wine and Food: Pairing Without Overthinking | On Wine by Lettie Teague
The economy and jobs is his principal focus, but that holds true for other areas, too.
This item certainly seemed too ridiculous to be true, but as it turns out, it actually happened.
It seems too good to be true, but the panel of judges at the Intel science fair are not rubes.
FORBES: Wait, Did This 15-Year-Old From Maryland Just Change Cancer Treatment?
At one level that may be true this time too, but against the background of the expenses scandal, voters are harder to be persuaded.
It may sound too good to be true, but such a reactor is indeed possible, and a number of teams around the world are now working to make it a reality.
FORBES: Is Thorium the Biggest Energy Breakthrough Since Fire? Possibly.
Man, this all sounds a little too weird to be true, but apparently Wind River's VP of Marketing told LinuxDevices that they do have at least one customer who expects to ship a phone in the US running Wind River Linux before Christmas.
ENGADGET: Palm working on a line of Linux-powered, non-Treo feature phones?
Solving the environmental and economic crisis together may sound too good to be true -- but many experts agree on the grid's remarkable potential.
But it was already too big for me to get a true start up experience.
In the 1980s the Bastille area, to the east of the Marais, was cool but now it suffers from too many tourists and, sniff the true Parisians, too many weekenders from the suburbs.
But measurements of true success of these programs still seems to be too far off to come to a real conclusion on their efficacy.
William Weld, the most recent governor, a Republican, regularly suggested bringing back the death penalty, but, true to form, could never be bothered to work too hard at it.
It might also be true that wages are too low, unemployment too high, but the very existence of this organisation shows that state action is not the only way to deal with the problems that result.
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But the same was true of the healthy "oatmeal eaters" - they too were likely to stick to their routine and habits.
It is a commonplace, but one that most of us ignore: If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A Turkish 'Trojan Horse' for Loudoun?
That's true for me, too. (Laughter.) But no matter what, they keep at it.
But others saw it as staged, a con job, a picture too good to be true.
The pat answer if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is isn't bad advice, but isn't always enough.
They could understand an astronomical problem but the very idea of a mechanical timekeeper that was so good was just too good to be true - they couldn't accept it.
But, to the Photoshop wielding denizens of the internet, the photos were almost too good to be true.
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The pat answer-if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is-isn't bad advice, but isn't always enough.
That may always have been true, but more and more it seems like both higher education and financial services are too expensive, too complex, and otherwise broken.
All true, but Buttonwood can't help feeling nonetheless that many pundits have cried sheep once too often.
Mr Ellison's prediction might then come true, but with a drawback: his own firm, Oracle, would be wiped out too.