• He seems to be keeping the seat warm for her son, Rahul, a pleasant-seeming but unconvincing chap apparently destined to represent the fifth generation of his family to lead Congress.

    ECONOMIST: Democracy in India

  • Unfortunately, they exist within an old-fashioned narrative framework that brings to mind an ambitious but unconvincing melodrama, with conspiratorial meetings, flights on horseback, capture by villains and notes passed between cells.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Both Russia itself, and several western governments, issued firm but unconvincing denials of the very plausible suggestion that a virtual partition of Kosovo, with Russian and Ukrainian troops keeping the north of the province, and its lucrative mines, safe for Serbs, was under discussion.

    ECONOMIST: NATO piles it on

  • This wink-and-nod approach to history may be politically expedient, but is unconvincing and inevitably puts Japan back on the defensive because the government looks like it is shirking.


  • As people on the left began to mutter that Mr Amato was a competent prime minister but an unconvincing candidate to win an election, the mayor let it be known that he is available.

    ECONOMIST: Italy: A new left leader? | The

  • The problem, however, is not that World Trade Center is an attempt to craft a feel-good movie out of a ghastly situation, it's that the result is forced, manufactured and largely, but not entirely unconvincing.

    NPR: Stone's Sept. 11 Movie Is Forced and Unconvincing

  • It is perhaps unfair, perhaps just a question of body language, but there is something unconvincing, inauthentic about Romney.

    BBC: Romney's uneasy heartland

  • On a number of occasions, Gaydamak and Storrie moved to refute speculation that Portsmouth were in financial difficulties, but their denials were unconvincing.

    BBC: Pompey pay for chasing the dream

  • The excuses were unconvincing, but the stirrings of action were encouraging.

    NEWYORKER: Betrayed

  • The assault on the White House is unconvincing, but it has our curiosity going for it: how do you storm the best-defended building in the world?

    NEWYORKER: Rough Rides

  • But predatory pricing is an unconvincing excuse.

    ECONOMIST: Unfair protection | The

  • He tried to say the sum was just like a present for a close relative--"When a rich brother goes to visit a poorer brother, the rich brother should not go empty-handed, " he explained--but that excuse was utterly unconvincing.

    FORBES: New Asia

  • The sentimental strain is both unconvincing and ungrounded, but in the all-too-rare moments when Murphy, who invests with psychodrama the role of a misfit learning manners, lets himself go the movie comes brilliantly to life.

    NEWYORKER: Meet Dave

  • But their reply got off to an unconvincing start in the face of some aggressive bowling by the England seamers.

    BBC: England victory eliminates India

  • There was no shame for the Tigers in losing their opening game to India, and they salvaged some pride by following this with a victory, albeit unconvincing, over Ireland - but they capitulated here in front of a large but increasingly disconsolate home support.

    BBC: Cricket World Cup: West Indies crush woeful Bangladesh

  • But opposition politicians in Taiwan would find this unconvincing in the absence of any monitoring mechanism, something China is highly unlikely to agree to.

    ECONOMIST: China gets ready, cautiously, for new leaders

  • The veteran spinner was also dropped badly by Yuvraj at third slip and played and missed repeatedly, but he held on for one of the more unconvincing two not outs.

    BBC: It's been a long time since I've played. I'm really pleased

  • But the results of dozens of studies with humans remain unconvincing, scientists say.

    WSJ: Can a Root Get to the Problem of Insomnia?

  • Sino-Forest has denied charges, but its defense has been tardy and, to date, unconvincing.

    FORBES: Is Sino-Forest a Sino-Fraud?

  • But coach Guy Stephan is coming under fierce pressure after the unconvincing win in Dakar.

    BBC: SPORT | Football | African | Group One results

  • But if a significant minority of doctors find the ENHANCE results unconvincing, the drug makers will face strong headwinds, and a fast-growing brand could not only stagnate but also shrink.

    FORBES: Vytorin On Trial

  • He said the EU scheme had been devised more than 20 years ago, primarily to deal with surpluses of the Common Agriculture Policy but the arguments for continuing it were "ill founded and unconvincing".

    BBC: EU food aid programme debate

  • But virtue untested is not much of a subject, and this slight, unconvincing romance is a walk on the mild side.

    CNN: Review: 'The Lucky One' is an unconvincing romance

  • But the visit of struggling Suduva offered the opportunity for Celtic to put that and some unconvincing performances in the Scottish Premier League behind them.

    BBC: Celtic trounce sorry Suduva

  • But Matthew Goodwin, an expert on the far right at Nottingham University, finds the evidence unconvincing.

    ECONOMIST: Europe��s far right

  • His progress was interrupted by a side strain but he says he is fully-fit as his batting, which has so far been unconvincing, also improves with more matches.

    BBC: Flintoff returns to England squad

  • Meanwhile, Ireland stuttered to an unconvincing Pool D 32-17 victory over a spirited Namibia side in Bordeaux, but did at least earn a crucial bonus oint after scoring five tries.

    CNN: Montgomery inspires South Africans

  • Most of Birmingham's threat came on the left through Jiri Jarosik, but he could not find a way past Anton Ferdinand and Danny Gabbidon and was restricted to unconvincing long-range efforts.

    BBC: Marlon Harewood celebrates his opening goal

  • But now, stuck with a mere 4% of the market and huge losses, Apple makes an unconvincing Wintel-bashing champion.

    ECONOMIST: Apple Computer

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