"We wanted to save them but we couldn't get them out, " Ms. Parma said.
We knew we were finding holes in their defence but we couldn't finish them off.
"We didn't need to score in those first 15 minutes, but we couldn't let them score, " added Kearney.
When I was finished I wanted to go home, but we couldn't before he had done 50 more shots (at goal).
We fought very hard in Boston, and I think we started out OK, but we couldn't maintain that rhythm.
We both tried to come up with technical-sounding names that were better, but we couldn't think of any good ones.
"It's a gamble, but we couldn't see the house increasing in value much more than it is worth now, " Silverman adds.
We did have a chance and I know he was choosing us above other clubs but we couldn't compete with Wednesday.
"We made a run at Mariano, which is hard to do, but we couldn't come up that one extra big hit, " Gibbons said.
"Normally ships speed up to 15 or 20 knots when crossing this area but we couldn't go faster than five knots, " said Domjan.
Centre director Michael Wiseman said children were "devastated" when Gordon did not appear at the weekend, "but we couldn't send out a headless gorilla".
There is an option to select more drives, but we couldn't get it to work and we even went as far as reinstalling XP.
"We recognised each other instantly, but we couldn't talk to each other because I spoke only German and had forgotten the Czech language, " she said.
But we couldn't film anything without risking giving away our presence.
"We had a few people interested who wanted to buy the property as a house but we couldn't allow that at the time, " said Mr King.
Kitted out with the specs of a mid-range gaming laptop, it may very well be that -- but we couldn't let the proclamation pass without giving it the once-over ourselves.
He was trying to speak but we couldn't understand what he was trying to say so I spoke to him to see how much I could give him some comfort.
As it's a concept, it's anybody's guess just how it'll actually perform when it goes into production, but we couldn't help but notice something very much available today in the back seats: iPad minis.
Jumping from application to application was quick and slick, but we couldn't help but remain disappointed by a power button that chose to work only sometimes and some relatively low-grade front- and rear-facing cameras: just 2MP apiece.
ENGADGET: Hands-on with Archos' two iPad lookalike tablets, the Archos Platinum 97 and 80
"We were there for one day, but we just couldn't stand it, knowing the situation, " she said.
Word on the street was that there were about 80 units available at the store, but while we couldn't squeeze an official number out of Sprint, they did confirm that they'll have units available for the launch tomorrow as well.
We drove off in a truck, but we crashed it because we couldn't see anything.
But we decided we couldn't do that, because of how much gas costs.
Mozilla Online wasn't talking it up too much at the event, but naturally, we couldn't wait to get our hands on an early build.
We did what we could but there's a lot we couldn't do because we didn't have the financing.
We endured a dysfunctional marriage of convenience, but divorce was difficult and we couldn't just get rid of him.
We would probably have done it a week or two earlier but because of the snow we couldn't do it so it was an ideal opportunity to have it with Leicester.
Another that will probably be a favorite to many geeks -- but not us, we couldn't make it through he first season -- is the second season of Fridge.