But we just don't know, which is why the markets are so sensitive to this news.
"We do get some firms complaining that we should stock their products simply because they are Cornish, but we don't just sell things because they are made in Cornwall, the quality has to be there too, " he says.
"But just because we don't see them, doesn't mean they're not present, " says Dr. Kamble, emphasizing that tiny bugs can live in the folds or even the corrugation of boxes.
But we don't just shift those costs on to seniors and ask them to pay thousands of dollars more.
Well, I had another topic that was all about pop culture, but you know what, we just don't have the time.
Okay, so maybe this report is crammed with hopes and dreams of a momentous comeback, but in all reality, we just don't envision this happening with market pressures as they are.
ENGADGET: Sony looking to jump back into the plasma market? HD
But we just have not -- I don't have information now that allows me to confirm or rebut those reports.
"Now we just interact with people who happen to be outside, but we don't go into houses, interrogate people, " said Ramos of the 2nd Battalion, 5th Cavalry Regiment.
Bottom line: no technology reigns supreme forever, but we don't see plasma giving up the picture quality crown just yet and we don't think Europe will be refusing to sell plasmas en masse, either.
"It is the way the world's going to evolve in the future, but I just don't think we're there yet, " he says.
But from what we've just heard from Don and from other stories, it looks like Sarah Palin may just well turn that on its head.
But we know that our schools don't just need more resources.
Here's something that I bet you have questions about, states would have questions about, but I think you're saying look we just don't need to know or want to know the answers to all of these questions.
We just tried it out and it is indeed faster, which is nice, but we noticed that avatars don't load in right away while you scroll -- they're generic until you stop.
ENGADGET: Twitter for Android updated, adds speed, polish, more options
And in some areas that???s very necessary but in other areas it just seems to me that we don???t know enough in order to be able to use regulatory authority as sensibly as we would hope it would be used.
Finally, there's talk of an LG VS750 in a mega-thin form factor running WinMo 6.5 with global roaming capability, but we don't have a picture of that one just yet.
But in the interest of transparency--we don't just promote our Top 100 Sites, we also actually read them and share them--we're including some insights from the readers of Corporette, as well.
The sensitivity was so high that we couldn't keep our character from bouncing all around and losing all his coins, but our opponent managed his character fairly well, so perhaps we just don't got game.
It sometimes feels, one AM told me yesterday, that there's this huge snowball of problems out there, coming towards us, gathering pace and when you're out and about, you can see it clearly - but when you're here, in this building, somehow we just don't seem aware of what's going to hit us.
"We don't have enough management skills just yet but understand local people, " he says.
We don't have those for you yet, but I just wanted to, as part of what I was discussing at the time, mention that that's going to happen on Friday.
So it's not that many of these ideas aren't workable, but we have to refine them to make sure that they don't just end up worsening the situation for folks rather than making it better.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions at GOP House Issues Conference | The White House
Moreover, we don't just draw from our own history, but from the histories and reactions of those around us and before us.
"We don't want to just repurpose old content, but do something different, so social games are an important area for us, " says Matt Higgins, the Jets' executive vice president of business operations.
But if the person who impregnated that woman were on the scene, not only helping to pay for the raising of the child but also serving as a strong influence, I just don't believe we would see such a chronic condition.
So we do need endurance, it's going to be a long and a deep and a wide campaign but just because it's difficult does not mean to say that we don't go ahead with it because it is absolutely essential to do so.
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Dr John Reid MP, Secretary for Northern Ireland
We are in conversations with -- consultation with the Algerian government, but I just don't have any more details for you.