But from where it is now, growing at that pace would mean China transforming itself from a country driven by exports, manufacturing and investment to one centred around domestic services and consumption.
That fell to 905 million in the depth of the recession, but it is now almost back to where it was before, at around 945 million.
But what we've got now is a situation where it is falling, that's helpful but bad weather on the way and we've got to hope in fact it's fallen sufficient not to create any further effects in York.
Far from a movie palace, the Teaneck Theatre was more like a movie cottage, but it's where I learned to love movies, and now it is no more.
On the back, the camera still peeks out of the top-left, but the module is considerably larger now and, where it was inset on the fourth-gen iPod touch, it now protrudes slightly -- just over 0.6mm, by our measurements.
Seattle-based Shurgard Storage Centers (nyse: SHU - news - people ) has 35 million square feet of storage and competes in many of the same markets as Public Storage, but is also making big moves into Europe, where it now has 15% of its square footage.
But now Obama is turning it into a program where it is unfair to workers to expect them to pay for it.
FORBES: Instead Of Obama's Jobs Plan, Pass Something That Will Work
But where exactly is the natural reservoir and why is it apparently breaking out more often now?
Chelsea beat Liverpool in last year's final but its only hope for a trophy is now in the Europa League, where it has reached the semifinals.
But, by comparing where the economy was in the summer of 2011 to where it is now, things actually look quite rosy.
Now, change is a future where we reduce our deficit, but we do it in a balanced, responsible way.
Eden plans to return to college, but for now she is passionately pursuing her dream of spreading her solar technology to where it is needed most.
FORBES: A New Generation of Techonomists Are Driven To Change the World
"It is probably not where we wanted to be coming in, but that is where we are now, " said Crosby.
She says she would prefer to move to a new high-rise condominium in downtown Bethesda, but that they decided to stay and renovate because it is more cost-effective and they like where they live now.
But as happened with Microsoft itself some years ago, Google seems now to have reached the stage where it is so dominant that its every move arouses suspicion.
As already noted, the United States has achieved universal basic education at the primary school level, but it has not yet reached the point where all students obtain a high school diploma, which is now a necessity for gainful employment.
But licensure would now be for the entire market of 300 million people, not just the State where it is originally granted.
FORBES: IBM's Watson: Maybe The Doctors Will Strangle It At Birth
But if France now believes the answer to the current crisis is a monetary union where responsibility for debts are shared then it follows that a new set of political arrangements are required in which responsibility for economic decision-making is also shared.