Drew Cohen brought his web firm, NeoPlanet, to Tempe from Silicon Valley after his interest was excited by a local programmer whom he wanted to hire, but who wouldn't leave.
The legislation had bipartisan support at the time, including from lawmakers who favor abortion rights but who gained assurances that the law wouldn't be used to undermine abortion laws or to interfere with physicians' judgments about how to treat premature babies.
WSJ: Philadelphia Abortion Doctor Gosnell Convicted of Murder
The ones who wouldn't cook but would gladly pick up groceries.
There were the husbands who wouldn't do housework but who would put together the cribs, carriers, baby gyms and high tech toys with the expertise only a Y chromosome provides.
But he also worries about turning away great ladies who wouldn't pay a fee out of principle.
But power users say LinkedIn is invaluable in finding hidden candidates who wouldn't show up via traditional searches.
But you wouldn't know that from listening to Olmert, who is working steadily to hide what happened there.
The Wii's motion-sensitive controller has gotten a lot of credit for being technologically innovative, but its real genius is that it opens up gaming for people who wouldn't normally play videogames.
Siti worked for six months--often 18 hours a day, for employers who wouldn't allow her a weekly day off--but she wasn't able to send one cent back to Blitar, her home in East Java.
That isn't to say that it wouldn't ease off, but would you want to be the player who goes first?
First Congress had a sergeant at arms who was there to keep order, but also a doorkeeper to make sure that people wouldn't come in and out.
The company hasn't said publicly who actually obtained the personal phone records, but security consultant Robert Douglas says HP and its helpers wouldn't have had to look very far.
There are organised far right groupings, but more probably in significant in numbers is just a body of people from various different clubs around the country who wouldn't dare, or possibly in some cases, wouldn't even dream of voicing such sort of sentiments in the context of their own home club's support.
Cashman said Anderson told him surgery wouldn't be required and that 95% of people who suffer similar injuries heal fully, but that it would take six to eight weeks to heal.
GARCIA-NAVARRO: You wouldn't know it to look at the main Mexican news programs who only covered Calderon, but tens of thousands of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador supporters took to the streets today.
Many who live in North America wouldn't put Hyundai at the forefront of in-car technology, but the Korean au hoping to change that reputation by 2014 with a more internet- and mobile-savvy platform.
Costa still finds parts of the site annoying, and isn't comfortable having his personal information made public, but he has connected with old friends he wouldn't have otherwise -- including his ex-wife, who now is a Facebook friend of his current wife.
CNN: All in the Facebook family: older generations join social networks