The 300-plus crowd, mostly buttoned up in business attire, nibbled on hummus and roasted vegetables.
It means to make sure everything is buttoned up so that it will be as easy as possible for your family.
It took a lot of research to document the cost basis, but when it was all buttoned up, we were stunned.
Perhaps it is because the buttoned up hospitality industry is changing.
Eva turned and saw Harley in the shelter of the porch behind her, his coat buttoned up to the neck, a thick woollen crew cap pulled down over his ears.
He wore suspenders that kept his trousers hiked high on his waist, and a midnight blue Italian suit jacket draped cape-like over a starched white shirt, which was tieless and buttoned up to a very prominent Adam's apple.
Now, his shirts aren't as flashy as they used to be -- I noticed you're buttoned up all the way to the top there. (Laughter.) Neil can still -- (laughter) -- (inaudible) -- (laughter) -- Neil can still put a generation of fans in their seats.
At 42, still bearlike and buttoned-up, he looks slightly grizzled, a man in a hurry.
At a central office, his buttoned-up assistant Maria (a fan of 'melodic death metal') leads us to him.
The stark contrast from NBC's buttoned-up, business-as-usual event was even more apparent when ABC announced its bold lineup.
Instead, it appeared as if Bush were a younger, more energetic -- dare I say, more "Clintonian" candidate than the buttoned-up Gore.
No big deal, to each their own, but it does seem a little buttoned-up for the party where all the cool kids hang out.
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TEDActive attracts a less buttoned-up, more diverse audience (35 countries are now represented) eager to brainstorm, dream, doodle, debate, and engage late into the desert night.
His rise and fall and rise again during the 1980s and '90s helped define the transition from boys-will-be-boys notepad journalism to the buttoned-up, professional digital recorders of today.
While Oracle is known for a cowboy atmosphere that accommodates sharp personalities, H-P is considered the tech industry's buttoned-up elder statesman, where employees take yearly classes in correct business conduct.
The year following publication, Hodgman's buttoned-up visage scored him a spot as the Windows-powered antagonist to Justin Long's Mac, a white backgrounded ad campaign that generated a seemingly endless parade of 30-second spots.
ENGADGET: John Hodgman on the death of publishing and being a Mac trapped in a PC's body
As chief financial officer Kelly had been one of the more buttoned-up senior managers, though he once shaved his legs to play the role of Hairspray's Edna Turnblatt for one of the company's over-the-top Halloween parties.
FKM, in turn, was a corporate shop, led by the structured and far more buttoned-up Scott Brown, who told us early on how he had been burdened with the task of essentially saving the agency from irrelevance a year prior.
Calculators were the original handheld computers, but unlike the whole PDA fad, they've had amazing staying power through their 40-year history -- to this day, buttoned-up dudes crunching numbers at wooden desks have HP 12Cs next to them not for the kitschy retro street cred, but because they're functional, familiar, and do exactly what they're expected to do.
ENGADGET: TI joins HP, creates official business calculator port for iPhone
Keeping a jacket buttoned can also help cover up any problems you may be having with your tie.
FORBES: To Button Or Not To Button, That Is The Question -Media Training
The West may be "kicking butt, " as Forbes ASAP put it last summer (click here to read that article), but the folks west of the Mississippi still have a long way to go before they catch up with their buttoned-down brethren on the East Coast.
With his spirit as buttoned down as his shirts, Auteuil offers a startling portrayal of failure, never hamming it up for the sake of our compassion.