Then, in his blog post last week, he repeats incorrect information about the genesis of the Exchange being plagued by anti-selection, which he appears to have made up from whole cloth for an earlier blog post.
For one, MacLean noted the strong by-the-glass selection, and both she and Colman pointed out the high number of selections by the half bottle--which cost half as much, of course.
Darwin's theory - of random mutation followed by natural selection according to environmental suitability - changed science, changed the world.
But as the economy worsens, more steakhouses could make adjustments, as Morton's has with its by-the-glass selection.
Whatever the explanation, this self-selection by pupils and schools is no reason to take the axe to Oxbridge's cash.
Harte was ratified following recommendations by a five-man selection committee who preferred the Errigal Ciaran boss ahead fancied duo Brian McIver and McKenna.
The first bagged salads in the United States were introduced in 1986 by Natural Selection Foods--the same company that has recalled its spinach--under its organic Earthbound Farm brand.
There is, however, a gulf between selection - by party power brokers - and election - by the people - although the bookmakers are tipping a Gillard victory.
The selection by 47-year-old Burns, who took over after the resignation of Berti Vogts, was under particular scrutiny as he has stated that he could be interested in taking over from the German permanently.
BBC: SPORT | Football | Internationals | Scotland call for keeper Combe
The trust is governed by an eight-member board, although the selection of the trophy winner is by a large pool primarily of sports journalists.
The goal was to establish and encourage the adoption of a common set of standards that would bring a 3G-like end-user experience to Wi-Fi by facilitating an automatic network discovery, selection and authentication of carrier-operated Wi-Fi networks.
In reality, even the apparently non-selective universities apply a form of selection by quietly putting up with very high drop-out rates.
ECONOMIST: In higher education, a free-for-all does not work
Lower margins could be offset by packing the selection with private-label merchandise, a strategy Walmart employed successfully in Mexico with its Bodega concept.
Starting in the late 1980s, the chains marched on new markets by offering a broader selection of videos and, later, by drafting revenue-sharing agreements with the movie studios, which allowed the chains to carry many copies of new releases for a small upfront fee.
Customers can easily personalize the reading experience by choosing from a selection of crystal-clear and razor-sharp fonts available in various styles and sizes, quickly navigate to different pages or chapters, add bookmarks, and more.
ENGADGET: Nook app comes to Windows 8 with clean Paper-like design
The First Minister, Peter Robinson, described the SDLP's view that of the selection of justice minister by cross-community vote as "frankly barking mad".
In terms of fashion and accessories, major brands have had to become more conscious of increasing consumer sophistication in top-tier cities by boosting the quality and selection of products offered while taking account of the fact that a significant number Chinese consumers of a certain income level often prefer to purchase luxury goods outside the mainland to sidestep high luxury taxes.
Choice and quality will be for all - driven by extra capacity, without charges or selection by wealth.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Full text: Blair on public services
Wallace, who was born in Monmouthshire and also lived in Neath, was the co-discoverer of the theory of evolution by natural selection.
But Royal Mail said he did not fit the bill for the collection as a stand-up comedian and had been rejected by the selection panel.
In addition to the titles displayed in the endcap, the Blu-ray movie selection is 23 wide by 5 high compared to the HD DVD's of 15 wide and 5 high (picture after the break).
Its judging panel was impressed by the delicious selection of organic, vegetarian, gluten-free and fair trade goods available, including stonebaked pizzas, locally brewed alcohol and homemade cakes.
The elections and the selection by lot of members to serve two-year terms were carried out in accordance with the principle of equitable geographical representation foreseen by the Convention in Article 6.1.
In summary, Dr Saetre and his colleagues have vindicated Dobzhansky and thus confirmed a mechanism for the origin of species that is directly caused by natural selection, rather than being an accidental by-product of it.
Counting among its successes the recent launch of the Borders eBook store, powered by Kobo, and mobile applications - and its rapidly growing selection of eReading devices - Borders is poised for significant growth in the eReading market.
ENGADGET: New Kobo eReader gets wireless connection, faster processor, pretty colors
In addition to the character-based selection, "Just for Kids" displays rows of TV shows and movies organized by easy-to-understand genres such as superheroes, princesses, dinosaurs and girl power, featuring clear and simple descriptions of the plot of each title.
ENGADGET: 'Just for Kids' now available on the Xbox 360: Go, Netflix, Go!
First, we avoid selection bias by randomizing whether and to whom influence-mediating messages are sent.
The 23-year-old from Holywood would be eligible for selection by either Great Britain or Ireland at the 2016 Games in Rio.
Their sense of having been cheated may perhaps be muted by the selection of Miss Megawati as Mr Wahid's vice-president.
ECONOMIST: The daunting task awaiting Indonesia��s new president ( AMZN - news - people ) and by offering a bigger selection of products and better customer service.